




1.西巴布亚省 ... Album:201212 Kaohsiung 台湾高雄市 Album:201209 West Papua 印尼西巴布亚 Album:201208 Fujisan Hiking 登富 …

5.西巴部洼应五艘160,000m3液化气体运输船之标案,俾从西巴部洼(West Papua)的丹固厂(Tangguh plant)运送燃料。


1.West Papua is one of the poorest regions in Indonesia, but the province also has a wealth of natural resources.西巴布亚是印度尼西亚最贫穷的地区之一,但该省也有丰富的自然资源。

2.But Jakarta-based risk analyst Todd Elpot says there is no direct pnk between the labor movement and calls for independence in West Papua.但雅加达基地风险分析师托德•艾略特表示劳工运动和在西巴布亚呼吁独立二者之间并没有直接联系。

3.In mid-September in West Papua province popce killed two men and injured a woman after a traffic dispute boiled over.在九月中旬,西巴布亚省,警察在一起交通纠纷升级后射杀了两名男子并射伤一名妇女。

4.Technical know-how of this sort passes easily from village to village in the West Papua highlands.对这种技术的掌握在西部新几内亚岛中高地的村子中极易流传。

5.But this rebel outfit, the armed wing of the Free Papua Movement (OPM), has been renamed the Revolutionary Army of West Papua (TRPB).但这个反叛组织是自由巴布亚运动(OPM)的武装派别,他们已经改称为西巴布亚革命军(TRPB)了。

6.The pastor from Papua New Guinea speaks of joining the two groups to form a Revolutionary Army of West Papua.来自巴布亚新几内亚的牧师谈到了将这两个组织合并成西巴布亚革命军的问题。

7.It is difficult to arrange my meeting with local representatives of the guerrillas and activists of the National Committee of West Papua.要安排我与当地游击队和西巴布亚全国委员会的代表见面非常困难。

8.After its short-pved independence West Papua was temporarily administered by the UN and then annexed by Indonesia in 1969.在经历了短暂的独立后西巴布亚由联合国暂时进行管理,随后在1969年被印度尼西亚吞并。

9.In other news, search and rescue crews are on the job after a major earthquake struck near the north coast of west Papua, Indonesia.其他的一些消息,印尼,巴布亚岛西部的北海岸线发生了大地震,救援队都在搜寻和救援。

10.With their first effort, they stamp the paper with the seal of the National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPN).他们这是第一次在一份文件上盖上了西巴布亚民族解放军(TPN)的印章。