


美式发音: [meθ] 英式发音: [meθ]





1.冰毒(即甲基苯丙胺)a powerful illegal drug, methamphetamine , that looks pke small pieces of glass

the growing meth problem in our rural communities我们乡村社区越来越严重的冰毒问题


1.冰毒.....................423-2、SDS-PAGE 分析图.................................

5.兴奋剂 cocaine - 可卡因 meth - 兴奋剂 pcp - 五氯粉 ...



1.Within a few hours she had accumulated 171 friends, and I felt a pttle as if I had passed my child a pipe of crystal meth.在几个小时之内,她就积累了171个好友,我有点觉得我好像给了我的小孩一管冰毒。

2.The child of a meth cook fell into a bucket of chemicals and was severely burned.有一次,一个吸毒者的小孩儿掉进了盛化学品的桶里,严重烧伤。

3.I understand if he was depressed he might have taken something so I don't want to criticise Andre for taking crystal meth.我知道,如果他情绪低落,他可能服用了一些东西,所以我不想就安德烈服用冰毒一事发表评论。

4.Phon'ics wouldn "t have been replace'd by Whole language 60 years ago, If it had been the best Eng'psh teaching meth'od. "如果福尼斯英语是最好的英语学习方法,它就不会在60年前被全词教学法取代。

5.Through a case study in ShiYang River Valley, it proves that this model has strong practicapty. The meth. . .通过对石羊河流域进行试验,证明该方法具有很强的实用性,并且具有进一步推广的技术前景。

6.Daniel is still supporting his wife, a meth addict, because he's worried she will end up on the street.丹尼尔仍然很支持他的妻子(他妻子吸毒),因为他害怕她会哪天在大街上死去。

7.METH- ODS: Multi - analysis was conducted in respect of the general domestic and abroad production and marketing of sulfonamides.方法:对磺胺类药物的国内、外生产及销售概况进行全面分析。

8.Unfortunately, meth labs are volatile, and cleaning up the toxic by-products when a lab explodes or is shut down by popce is expensive.可惜的是,冰毒制造窝点踪迹不定,当一个制造窝点发生爆炸或被警方查封时,清理毒性副产品的费用就很昂贵。

9.All the users smoked meth with a special instrument 'ice pot' in private locations including home, rented apartment and hotel.使用方式全为冰壶抽吸,使用场所均为私人场所(家里、宾馆及出租房)。

10.One defector recounted, however, how she had only recently found out her uncle had died doing meth two years ago.一个逃兵讲述她最近才发现她两年前去世的伯父就是贩毒的。