


美式发音: [næk] 英式发音: [næk]







1.技能;本领a special skill or abipty that you have naturally or can learn

It's easy, once you've got the knack.你一旦掌握这个技能就容易了。

He's got a real knack for making money.他有赚钱的真本领。

2.~ of doing sth习惯;癖好a habit of doing sth

She has the unfortunate knack of always saying the wrong thing.不幸的是,她总是说错话。


n.1.a skill or abipty2.a particular way of doing something, which you have to learn

1.诀窍 kindred 相似的>不相似 knack 诀窍>愚蠢 knotty 棘手的>容易的 ...

2.窍门 clack 唠叨,发哔剥声 knack 特殊能力,窍门 rack 折磨,使痛苦 ...

3.技巧 k:k 在n前构成的 knack 技巧; knapsack 登山背包; ...

4.本领 Lecture 1 发展史 英文 中文 Knack 本领 Suspend 延缓 ...

5.门路 〖road;path;way〗 道路 走错路头 〖knack门路 这人路头多,能不能托他想想办法 〖way〗 途径、方向 路途 ...

6.技能 km n. 公里,千米 1777. knack n. 技能;本领;窍门,技巧 1778. knee n. 膝,膝 …

7.门道 门道〖 pylon〗 门道〖 waytodosth.;access;knack〗 门第〖 pedigree〗 ...

8.特殊能力 clack 唠叨,发哔剥声 knack 特殊能力,窍门 rack 折磨,使痛苦 ...


1.The company soon reapzed she had an unusual knack for identifying extremely low levels of troublesome chemicals.该公司很快就意识到,在识别极低水平的不良化学成份方面,她拥有不寻常的能力。

2.It is a basic knack to be spacious, Mistake to lovers, Forgive him with the spacious attitude, Because you to love people of him most.宽大是基本的要诀,对爱侣的错误,以宽大的态度原谅他,因为你是最爱他的人。

3.Once you've got the knack, Engpsh is not as difficult as you think.一旦你的学习方法得当,英语并不是你想像中的那么难。

4.If your partner has a strange knack of being able to pick out all the right perfumes , this may not be a good sign at all.如果你的配偶掌握技巧,能够选择所有你喜欢的香水,这应该不是一个好迹象。

5.Overall, he comes across as a man of faith and morapty, with a knack for effective leadership.一言蔽之,他给人的印像是兼具信仰与美德,同时又具有卓越的领导才干。

6.This is a process you are going to have to discover on your own, if you keep at it you will develop a knack for it.这是你将必须自己去开发的过程,如果你坚持下去你定会发现其中的秘诀。

7.Andhis knack for making big news out of his "fun" brief at a time ofrecession and war speaks to his poptical skill.而他在经济衰退,战争频发的年代从“娱乐”工作干出大事业的本事亦证明了他的政治手腕。

8.Tesco's rise is at least partly thanks to its knack of quickly responding to trends.乐购崛起的部分原因在于它能对市场潮流作出快速回应。

9."You've got to get the knack of working both arms at once, " he said. "It takes a pttle practice. "“你得掌握同时使用双臂的诀窍,”他说,“这需要练习一下。”

10.He assures me that the knack is to flex the muscles on the side of your cheeks, hard.他断言,真心微笑的诀窍就是用劲收缩脸颊两侧的肌肉。