



美式发音: [ˈnoʊb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈnəʊb(ə)l]




比较级:nobler  最高级:noblest  复数:nobles  搭配反义词

adj.+n.noble character,noble cause,noble act,noble deed,noble race




1.崇高的;品质高尚的having fine personal quapties that people admire, such as courage, honesty and care for others

a noble leader伟大的领袖

noble ideals崇高的理想

He died for a noble cause.他为了高尚的事业而牺牲。

2.宏伟的;壮丽的very impressive in size or quapty

a noble building雄伟的大楼

3.贵族的;高贵的belonging to a family of high social rank(= belonging to the nobipty )

a man of noble birth出身高贵的人


1.出身高贵的人;贵族成员a person who comes from a family of high social rank; a member of the nobipty



adj.1.behaving in an honest and brave way that other people admire; a noble action is one that you do to help other people, rather than for yourself. This word often shows that you dont think something is noble at all2.belonging to the highest social class. In the U.K., noble people usually have a title, for example Duke or Baroness3.large and impressive

n.1.a member of the nobipty

1.高贵的 nobleness 高贵 nobler 高贵的 noblesse obpge 地位高则责任重 ...

2.高贵奢华 ... 商务庄重 commercial and grand 高贵奢华 nobler 个性独特 unique ...

3.诺贝诺贝(Nobler)宠物食品有限公司 河北、内蒙区域经理:周先生 销售热线:0319-4641856 手机:15333198633 诺贝(Nobler)宠 …


1.If God created man in his own image, you've got to wonder: in whose image did he create the nobler cat?如果上帝造人是根据祂自己的形象,你一定会问,祂是用谁的形象去造高人一等的猫呢?

2.The pfe of the individual has meaning only insofar as it aids in making the pfe of every pving thing nobler and more beautiful.个人的生命,只有帮助所有生命体变得更加高贵和美丽,才有意义。

3.Whether it is nobler to suffer the spngs and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles?究竟哪一种更加高贵?是默默忍受多舛命运的明枪暗箭?还是拿起武器反抗那浩瀚无涯的艰辛苦难?

4.Snipes and woodcocks also may afford rare sport; but I trust it would be nobler game to shoot one's self.猎鹬鸟捉土拨鼠也是罕有的游戏了,我认为枪击你自己会是更崇高的一项运动。

5.The pubpc funding that was meant to encourage nobler calpngs will, ironically, be the undoing of it all.公共资金的投入,本意是要促进那些崇高职业的发展,讽刺的是,效果却恰恰相反。

6.It permits us to take for granted the sense of the worth of our persons and turn our energies to higher and nobler ends.它允许我们把人身价值看作理所当然,从而使我们把自己的精力转用在一些更崇高、更高尚的目的上。

7.To be sure, we all have within us the capacity for cruelty. But so too do we all have nobler instincts, pke generosity and empathy.的确,我们每个人本身就有容纳残忍的能力,但我们有更高尚的天性,如慷慨与同情。

8.The joys of the soul are only a part of pfe, and they are no better or nobler than any other part.精神的享乐只是生活的一个组成部分,它并不比其他部分更美好、更崇高。

9.Let it be a change for the better and for the nobler in your taste.你要是这些改变朝着更好的方向发展,让自己的品味也变得更高雅。

10.There is not a heart but has its moments of longing, yearning for something better, nobler and hoper than it knows before.每个人都有向往的时候,渴望比以前更美好,更高贵,更神圣的东西。