


美式发音: [pəˈnæʃ] 英式发音: [pə'næʃ]



复数:panaches  同义词反义词





1.神气十足;潇洒气质the quapty of being able to do things in a confident and elegant way that other people find attractive


n.1.an impressive way of doing something that shows great skill and confidence

1.炫耀 paltry 微不足道的>意义非凡的/重要的 panache 炫耀>谦逊 panache 夸耀>平凡的举止 ...

2.羽饰 panacea 万灵药 panache 羽饰;炫耀 pancreas 胰腺 ...

3.夸示 palpable 明显的 panache 夸示,炫耀 panoramic 全景的 ...

4.华丽 prod v. 刺激, 激励 panache n. 华丽, 夸耀,显示 ramshackle a. 摇摇欲坠 …

5.摆架子 gracious a. 宽厚的,仁慈的,和蔼的 panache n. 摆架子,耍派头 host n. 主人,东道主 ...

6.假威风 palette 调色板,颜料 panache 羽饰,夸示,假威风,炫耀 panegyric 赞扬,夸大的颂词,推崇备至 ...

7.假威风,炫耀 pan vt. [口语]严厉批评 panache n. 羽饰;假威风,炫耀 pancreas n. 胰腺 ...

8.神气十足 pant v. 气喘 n.喘息 panache n. 羽饰;神气十足 pang n. (一阵)剧痛,痛苦 ...


1.I came away sure of one thing, at least: Brazil's next president certainly isn't going to have the panache and presence of its current one.但至少,我可以确信一件事:巴西下一任总统肯定没有现任那样的气派和仪态。

2.But for the rest of us, occasional bursts of anger, especially if performed with panache, have much to be said for them.但对于我们其他人而言,偶尔发发脾气(特别是如果以优雅的样子表现出来),则另当别论了。

3.With some panache, a local radio host decided to call her up.带着一些炫耀的色彩,当地一家广播台的男主播决定打电话给她。

4.With its wry reporting and visual panache, Wired offers a headfirst dive into the tech world.依靠其嘲讽的报道风格和绚丽的视觉效果,《连线》杂志绝对可以让你一头扎进科技世界。

5.While the PSA deals with a disease that has spread beyond Asia and often incites fear, it aims to do so with panache rather than panic.虽然该公益告示处理其传播已超出亚洲范围并且通常引起恐惧的疾病,但是它的目的是以华丽风格而不是恐慌来这样做。

6.All sorts of extraordinary things happen, and they're done with such panache that you're carded along with it.各种异乎寻常的事情在书中发生,他们被描述的漂亮而有自信,令你不得不信服。

7.A captivating, engrossing debut, . . . a fast-paced tale of international crime and skullduggery written with style and panache.一个快节奏的跨国犯罪和诈骗的故事,风格独特,文笔华丽。

8.But Mr Carey pulls the pathetic fallacy out of the hat with panache.但是凯里用华丽的辞藻把可怜的假象展现在了眼前。

9.It is packaged in a carton of colors evoking those same key notes of energy, style, and panache.它是在一个纸箱包装的颜色唤起相同的关键注意到能源,风格,与派头。

10.Coupled with the panache leather, we tie the shoe to the sophistication of the sport of fencing.加上华丽皮革,鞋,我们配合的复杂运动的击剑。