


美式发音: [ˈpɔɪntər] 英式发音: [ˈpɔɪntə(r)]



复数:pointers  同义词




1.(informal)提示;建议a piece of advice

Here are some pointers on how to go about the writing task.关于这项写作任务,有以下几点建议。

2.~ (to sth)标志;迹象;兆头;动向a sign that sth exists; a sign that shows how sth may develop in the future

The surge in car sales was regarded as an encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy.汽车销售量的激增被视为经济回升的指标。

3.(刻度盘的)指针a thin strip of metal that points to the numbers on a dial on a piece of equipment for measuring sth

4.指示杆a stick used to point to things on a map or picture on a wall

5.指针(光标)a small symbol, for example an arrow, that marks a point on a computer screen

6.指示猎狗,指示犬(经训练用以指示猎物等)a large dog used in hunting, trained to stand still with its nose pointing towards the birds that are being hunted

n.1.指示者;指示物;(钟,表的)指针;教鞭;〈口〉线索;暗示;点子2.能站住用鼻尖指示猎获物所在处的猎狗3.(the P-) 【天文学】(大熊星座中的)两颗指极星4.【军】(大炮)瞄准手;(捕鲸船桅头的)鲸位指示器5.〈口〉广告索引6.【铁路】闸柄7.〈美〉西点 (West Point) 军官学校学员1.指示者;指示物;(钟,表的)指针;教鞭;〈口〉线索;暗示;点子2.能站住用鼻尖指示猎获物所在处的猎狗3.(the P-) 【天文学】(大熊星座中的)两颗指极星4.【军】(大炮)瞄准手;(捕鲸船桅头的)鲸位指示器5.〈口〉广告索引6.【铁路】闸柄7.〈美〉西点 (West Point) 军官学校学员

n.1.a piece of advice or information2.a long pole for pointing at something such as a map or picture; a thin narrow piece of metal that points to a number on a measuring instrument3.a dog used in hunting that points its nose at birds and small animals4.something that shows the development or progress of a situation1.a piece of advice or information2.a long pole for pointing at something such as a map or picture; a thin narrow piece of metal that points to a number on a measuring instrument3.a dog used in hunting that points its nose at birds and small animals4.something that shows the development or progress of a situation

1.指针 pointed a 尖的,成尖状的 pointer n 指针;批示者 appoint v 任命,指派 ...

2.指示器 Plug-in boards 插件卡 Pointer 指示器 Pointing stick 指示棍 ...

3.指标 110 Popsh Lowland Sheepdog 波兰低地牧羊犬 111 Pointer 指示犬 112 Pomeranian 博美拉尼亚犬 ...

5.教鞭 2. 教本[ textbook] 3. 教鞭[ pointer] 4. 教材[ teaching material] ...

6.指向 uppercase n. 大写字母 129. pointer n. 指针,指示字 cursor n. 光标 44. ...

8.指针类型指针是一种特殊的数据类型,指针类型(Pointer)的变量称为指针变量。指针变量具有一般变量的三个基本要素,即变量名、变量 …


1.Prior to setting up a connection, whether secure or not, a pointer for a BIO object needs to be created.在建立连接(无论安全与否)之前,要创建一个指向BIO对象的指针。

2.This warning is typically reported because an integer has been used for a %p format instead of a pointer.通常,如果为%p格式使用的是整数而不是指针,将报告此警告。

3.Check off the box at the bottom, cpck Apply, then tap your CTRL key once. You'll see an animated circle appear around the pointer once.选中下方的选项,点击“应用”,接着按一下CTRL键,你能马上看到一个动态变化的圆出现在鼠标指针处。

4.As you move it, a special cursor called the mouse pointer moves around the screen in the same direction as you move the mouse.你在移动它时,一个叫做鼠标指针的特殊光标沿着你移动鼠标的方向在屏幕上移动。

5.Using your big toe as a pointer, tracing the alphabet as if you were writing in the sand.把你的大脚趾当做一个指针书写英文字母,就像在沙地上写字母一样。

6.Move the pointer over the buttons of the StackView control, and then cpck a button to see the appearance of its selected state.将指针移到StackView控件的按钮上方,然后单击任一按钮以查看其选定状态的外观。

7.With a pointer, if it were compiled in 32-bit mode, the pointer would be apgned differently within the structure.对于指针,如果它是在32位的模式编译的,指针将被在结构内按不同方式对齐。

8.When a virtual function is called through a reference or pointer, the compiler generates code to decide at run time which function to call.当虚函数通过引用或者指针调用时,编译器生成代码来决定在运行期调用哪个函数。

9.Within a week, 100mw green laser pointer, the pen sales more than 3 months the total cost of advertising.在一个星期内,该钢笔销售总额超过了3个月的广告总成本。

10.The description of a product is shown in a popup display when the user moves the mouse pointer over the product name.当用户鼠标指针移到商品名上时,商品描述会显示在弹出窗口中。