


美式发音: [nɑk] 英式发音: [nɒk]




第三人称单数:knocks  现在分词:knocking  过去式:knocked  同义词反义词



v.criticize,slam,put down,disparage,colpde


knock显示所有例句v.门窗at door/window

1.[i]敲;击to hit a door, etc. firmly in order to attract attention

He knocked three times and waited.他敲了三下门就等着。

Somebody was knocking on the window.有人在敲窗户。


2.[t][i](常为无意地)碰,撞to hit sth, often by accident, with a short, hard blow

Be careful you don't knock your head on this low beam.小心,别把头撞在这矮梁上。

Her hand knocked against the glass.她的手碰了玻璃杯。

3.[t]把…撞击成(某种状态)to put sb/sth into a particular state by hitting them/it

The blow knocked me flat.那一拳把我打倒在地。

He was knocked senseless by the blow.他被一拳打得不省人事。

She knocked my drink flying.她把我的饮料打翻了。

The two rooms had been knocked into one(= the wall between them had been knocked down) .那两个房间打通了,成了一个房间。

4.[t]打掉;敲动;打破to hit sth so that it moves or breaks

He'd knocked over a glass of water.他打翻了一杯水。

I knocked the nail into the wall.我把钉子钉进墙里。

They had to knock the door down to get in.他们不得不破门而入。

The boys were knocking(= kicking) a ball around in the back yard.男孩们在后院踢球玩儿。

The criticism had knocked(= damaged) her self-esteem.这一批评伤了她的自尊心。

5.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.打,凿(洞)to make a hole in sth by hitting it hard

They managed to knock a hole in the wall.他们设法在墙上凿了个洞。

心;膝盖of heart/knees

6.[i](心)怦怦跳;(膝盖)打哆嗦if your heartknocks , it beats hard; if your kneesknock , they shake, for example from fear

My heart was knocking wildly.我的心怦怦直跳。

发动机;管子of engine/pipes

7.[i](尤指因故障)发碰撞声,嘭嘭作响to make a regular sound of metal hitting metal, especially because there is sth wrong


8.[t](informal)~ sb/sth(不公平地)批评;贬责;挑剔;非难to criticize sb/sth, especially when it happens unfairly

The newspapers are always knocking the England team.报纸总是攻击英格兰队。

‘E-books?’ ‘ Don't knock it ─there's a great future in e-books.’“电子书?”“别贬损它,电子书的前景大着呢。”

IDMIll knock your block/head off!(informal)(威胁要打人)我非揍你不可,我要揍扁你used to threaten sb that you will hit them

You look fabulous─you'll knock 'em dead tonight.你看上去漂亮极了,今晚肯定把他们迷倒。

knock sb dead(informal)使某人倾倒to impress sb very much

You look fabulous─you'll knock 'em dead tonight.你看上去漂亮极了,今晚肯定把他们迷倒。

knock sb/sth into a cocked hat远远胜过某人(或事物);大大超过;使相形见绌to be very much better than sb/sthknock it off!(informal)别吵了;别烦人了used to tell sb to stop making a noise, annoying you, etc.knock sb off their pedestal/perch使某人丧失名位to make sb lose their position as sb/sth successful or admired

The recession knocked on the head any idea of expanding the company.经济衰退使扩展公司的任何想法都化为泡影。

knock sth on the head(informal)阻止某事发生;停止做某事to stop sth from happening; to stop doing sth

The recession knocked on the head any idea of expanding the company.经济衰退使扩展公司的任何想法都化为泡影。

knock on wood(表示希望继续走好运)used when you have just mentioned some way in which you have been lucky in the past, to avoid bringing bad luckknock sb sideways(informal)使某人惊讶得不知所措(或目瞪口呆)to surprise or shock sb so much that they are unable to react immediatelyknock spots off sb/sth(informal)远远胜过;大大超过;使相形见绌to be very much better than sb/sthknock the stuffing out of sb(informal)使某人丧失信心(或委靡不振)to make sb lose their confidence and enthusiasmyou could have knocked me down with a feather(informal)(表示惊奇)used to express surprisen.门窗at door/window

1.敲击声;敲门(或窗等)声the sound of sb hitting a door, window, etc. with their hand or with sth hard to attract attention

There was a knock on/at the door.有敲门声。


2.捶击;敲击;撞击a sharp blow from sth hard

He got a nasty knock on the head.他头部遭到重重一击。

IDMtake a (hard, nasty, etc.) knock遭受(重大等)挫折;受到(沉重等)打击;受到(严重等)破坏to have an experience that makes sb/sth less confident or successful; to be damaged

v.1.敲,打,击;敲掉,去掉2.使碰撞;撞倒;凿打(洞等)3.〈英俚〉使震惊,给...强烈印象4.〈美口〉找...岔子,对...挑剔,糟蹋5.敲,打,击 (at; on)6.碰,撞7.(机器发生毛病)发出爆击声8.〈美俚〉找岔子,说坏话9.奔忙,忙乱1.敲,打,击;敲掉,去掉2.使碰撞;撞倒;凿打(洞等)3.〈英俚〉使震惊,给...强烈印象4.〈美口〉找...岔子,对...挑剔,糟蹋5.敲,打,击 (at; on)6.碰,撞7.(机器发生毛病)发出爆击声8.〈美俚〉找岔子,说坏话9.奔忙,忙乱


v.1.to hit something, causing damage or harm; to hit something and force it somewhere; to hit someone very hard, so that they fall or become unconscious; to hit a ball; to make a hole or space in something by hitting it many times2.if an engine or machine knocks, it makes noises that show it is not working correctly3.to criticize someone or something in a way that seems unfair4.to hit a door with your hand or a knocker so that someone inside knows you are there1.to hit something, causing damage or harm; to hit something and force it somewhere; to hit someone very hard, so that they fall or become unconscious; to hit a ball; to make a hole or space in something by hitting it many times2.if an engine or machine knocks, it makes noises that show it is not working correctly3.to criticize someone or something in a way that seems unfair4.to hit a door with your hand or a knocker so that someone inside knows you are there

n.1.the sound of someone knocking on a door; a series of noises that an engine or machine makes when it is not working correctly2.an injury or damage caused by being knocked; an instance of knocking someone or something3.something bad or unpleasant that happens to someone

1.敲 wooden 木制的 knock ;击;碰撞 knock into 与……相撞 ...

2.敲击 (2) 同本义[ peck] (6) 敲击[ knock] (7) 咬[ bite] ...

3.敲打 chink( 裂缝,裂口,漏洞); knock敲打,碰撞,摧毁); kick( 踢, …

4.敲门 call sb =call up sb. 给某人打电话 ★knock v. 敲门 ① vi. 敲门 ...

5.爆震的燃料,目前已发展出含100%异辛烷所具有的最大抗爆震(knock)力,为在此类相同抗爆震能力的纯异辛烷中分出等级,以其 …

6.撞击 sweep down 吹倒; 席卷; 冲倒 knock 敲;打 ;撞击 that 从句 ...


1.The bepef that Kobe can't win without a great player with him isn't a knock on him: it's the truth.如果没有另一个伟大球员的助阵,科比赢不了总冠军,这一观点并不是在贬损他:这就是事实。

2.You said an option knock him down. Fellows, you want your woman to be happy? All you got to say is: How was your day? How was your day?一个选择就能把男人们打到了伙计们,你想要你们的女人开心吗?你只需要说:你今天过得怎么样?

3.one another by the arm with your eyes closed down the stairs, when our hearts are very nervous, fear of knock the Peng Zhao.一个闭着眼睛另一个搀扶着下楼,这时我们的心情都十分紧张,生怕磕着碰着。

4.There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.有人敲门,这是当天晚上第二次有人打扰我了。

5."I told him in the huddle, 'Everybody is coming at you, so look at me. I'll knock it down, '" Wilpams said.“我跟他说在人堆里每个人都冲你施加压力,看我的,怎么把他们搞定,”威廉姆斯说。

6.Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard insists revenge was not on his mind after seeing his side knock Chelsea out of the UEFA Champions League.巴萨主教练里杰卡尔德在看到他的球队在冠军联赛淘汰切尔西队之后坦言,击溃切尔西并非是在报仇。

7.One of its attractions was a printing press that was placed on the ice and used to knock up souvenir broadsides to mark the occasion.集市上吸引人的一个地方之一就是放在冰上的一台印刷机,人们用这台机器来印出纪念性报纸,描述集市上的情形。

8.Yeah, but they demonstrated how you could knock him out with one karate blow to the throat.有,但是,他们给你示范:怎样用空手道猛击他的喉部,将其打昏。

9.After the meal however, when guests returned to their rooms, Campbell now says she was sleeping when there was a knock at the door.那天晚宴之后,大家都回到各自的房间,坎贝尔说自己正要睡觉的时候,听到了敲门声。

10.And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed.为了那过错,你必须伫立在幸福之门外,敲门、守候,却不被回应。