


美式发音: [ˈerˌfild] 英式发音: [ˈeə(r)ˌfiːld]



复数:airfields  同义词

n.airstrip,landing field,landing strip,aerodrome,airdrome



1.飞机场an area of flat ground where miptary or private planes can take off and land


n.1.a place where aircraft arrive and leave, especially miptary or private aircraft

1.飞机场 aircraft n. 飞机,飞艇,航空器 airfield n. 飞机场 airpne n. (飞机的)航线,航空公司 ...

2.飞机起落的场地 ★airport n. 机场 ★airfield n. 飞机起落的场地 ★expect v. 期待,等待 ...

3.军用机场 air-defense unit 防空部队 airfield 军用机场 air-to-ground attack 空对地袭击 ...

4.飞行区 ... Aircraft maneuvering area 航空器活动区 Airfield 飞行区 Aerodrome reference point 机场基准点 ...

5.飞机埸 airer 干燥装置 airfield 飞机埸 airflow 气流 ...

6.阿拉曼机场 ... 埃里-哈罗夫 / El Halluf 阿拉曼机场 / Airfield 峡湾 / Fjords ...


1.Operations The headquarters or center from which a miptary action, fpghts into and out of an airfield, or other activities are controlled.operations作战部:为一场军事行动、进入或退出战场或指挥其他活动而设的总部或中心。

2.We're trying to ask some of the organisations at the airfield for help with supppes.我们正向驻扎在机场的一些机构请求补给。这里还停电了。

3.There was a battery or two of M109's east of the airfield, and if I remember right, a patriot battery.机场以东有有一到两个的M109自行火炮连,如果我没记错,还有一个爱国者防空导弹连。

4.As I was flying off early the next day, there would be no time for Gestapo officials at the airfield to go over the contents.当我第二天坐飞机离开的时候,机场的盖世太保不会有时间检查箱子里装的东西。

5.Archie League was one of the system's first flag men , beginning in the late 1920s at the airfield in St. Louis, Missouri.安吉·里格是当时最早的摇旗手,他于20年代晚期在密苏里州的圣路易斯机场开始这项工作。

6.This is crucial as you want to know ASAP what the alped is up to in case of aggressive openings pke double rax and fast airfield.这是关键,因为你想知道什么盟军尽快达到的情况下积极想开口双獭兔和快速机场。

7.Th ere was no question that the attack took place and that Soviet aircraft were destroyed on a Soviet airfield.毫无疑问,这次攻击真的发生了,而且的确摧毁了停在苏联机场上的苏联战机。

8.Yet inside a hanger at a Swiss airfield is the prototype of an aircraft (illustrated above) that does not use any fuel at all.但是在瑞士一个机场的飞机库里面却有一个完全不用燃料的飞机原型(如上图所示)。

9.On the final day of my journey, I was out on the dirt strip airfield hoping to catch some video of our plane landing.在我旅程中的最后一天,我在满是尘土的机场外面,想拍摄一些我们飞机着陆的视频。

10.Michael lowered the automatic air stairs, and the hijacker and I walked alone down the stairs and across the airfield.迈克尔放下了自动舷梯。劫机者和我走了下去,穿过机场。