


美式发音: [ˈkoʊˌdæk] 英式发音: 







1.柯达 Martin Luther King 马丁·路德金 44. Kodak 科达 45. Korean War 朝鲜战争 46. ...

5.伊士曼柯达公司 数码摄像机 DV 柯达相机 Kodak 数码相机 DC ...

7.柯达胶卷在中国人关于上个世纪90年代的记忆中,一定少不了柯达胶卷Kodak)“分享此刻、分享生活”的广告词,以及遍布国内大小城 …



1.Two rolls of fuji and two rolls of kodak , please. How much do i owe you ?两卷富士牌的,两卷柯达牌的,我该交多少钱?。

2.Troubled photography firm Eastman Kodak has unveiled a new plan to transform the company into a digital player, sending its shares soaring.陷入困境的摄影厂商伊士曼柯达计划将公司转变成数码播放器厂商,此计划使其股价猛涨。

3.Today, Kodak is trying to sell off its cache of digital patents, which may in fact be worth more than the company's market cap.如今,柯达正设法将其数码领域的专利变现。实际上其专利价值有可能超过公司的市值。

4.He failed to outsource much production, which might have made Kodak more nimble and creative.将这项业务外包出去,柯达的经营将更为灵活和富有创造性。

5.The real significance of the first Kodak camera was that it was backed up by a developing and printing service.第一代柯达照相机的真正意义在于它可以连接冲印和打印设备。

6.A spokesman for Kodak, Gerard Meuchner, said the company is always assessing its financing options.柯达公司发言人穆奇纳(GerardMeuchner)说,公司一直在对融资选择进行评估。

7.He said: " Business card printing business needs a strong foundation, but Kodak also is in the early stages, the underlying is not stable. "他说:“制卡业务需要强大的基础,但柯达还处于早期阶段,基础并不牢靠。”

8.They must be ready to let go, just as Kodak is doing on traditional cameras.他们必须准备好随时放手,就像柯达放弃传统胶卷相机一样。

9.In the1940' s Brandt found an old Kodak box camera with a wide-angle lens focused on infinity and began using it to photograph nude .在本世纪四十年代,他找到了一架有广角镜、以无限聚焦的旧式柯达箱形照相机,于是就开始用它来拍摄裸体。

10.American global business leadership used to be personified by the pkes of General Motors, Caterpillar, General Electric and Eastman Kodak.以前,通用公司、卡特皮勒、通用电气和伊士曼柯达象征着美国在全球的商业领导地位。