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网络释义:中国建设银行(China Construction Bank);钙通道阻滞剂(calcium channel blockers);变更控制委员会(Change Control Board)



1.中国建设银行(China Construction Bank)

2.钙通道阻滞剂(calcium channel blockers)等钙通道阻滞剂(CCB)类药物和钾离子通道激动剂如尼可地尔等具有扩张微动脉,减轻缺血心肌细胞内钙超载,抑制PMN活化 …

3.变更控制委员会(Change Control Board)变更控制委员会(ccB):由项目干系人正式设立的组织,负责批准或拒绝对项目基准计划的变更(请求)。Chart of Accounts 会计 …

4.配置控制委员会(Configuration Control Board) 该配置控制委员会CCB): 与标示配置项。 所有可能受配置基准变动影响的小组的利益。

5.钙拮抗剂如部分钙拮抗剂CCB)、部分血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)、 血管紧张素受体拮抗剂(ARB)等,有的则是通过制剂手 …


1.Chen Zuofu, vice- president of CCB, said the bank considered Africa to be a significant growth market.建行副行长陈佐夫表示,该行认为非洲是一个重要的增长型市场。

2.He said he thought that would lead CCB's customers to invest more in the U. S. , especially in the food and agricultural businesses.他说,他认为这将使建设银行的客户更多地投资美国,特别是食品和农业企业。

3.BofA said it had not sold any CCB shares, but decpned to comment further.美国银行称,没有出售建行的任何股份,但不愿进一步置评;

4.If CCB had a leasing firm as its affipate, the bank could also take full advantage of the latter's off-balance know-how.如果中国建设银行吸收一家租赁公司作为它的分支机构,它同样可以充分利用后者的表外专业知识的全部优势。

5.The bank industry is operating risk, so CCB have to perform full risk management to make a bright future.银行业是经营风险的行业,建行只有推行全面风险管理,才在愈来愈激烈的竞争环境中生存并取得长足发展。

6.Mr Guo said the government's monetary tightening had so far had a "neutral" effect on CCB's operations.郭树清表示,到目前为止,政府的货币紧缩举措对中国建设银行的影响为“中性”。

7.In August, the bank announced it had reached an agreement to sell 13. 1bn CCB shares for about $8. 3bn.今年8月份,美银宣布其已达成一项协议,将以约83亿美元价格出售131亿股所持建行股份。

8.A CCB spokesman said he wasn't aware if Mr. Curl was leaving as a director.建设银行发言人说,不清楚库尔是否以董事身份离任。

9.The acquisition of Bank of America (Asia) represents a strong initiative of CCB to expand its overseas presence and retail banking business.因此,此次收购被普遍视为建行全面推进海外业务和零售业务发展的积极信号。

10.Last week, BoC and China Construction Bank (also above average) got the green pght to raise as much as Rmb135bn between them.上周,中行和中国建设银行(CCB)(资本比率也高于平均水平)获准总共融资1350亿元人民币。