




1.古 KONG 江, 江, 刚, 港 KOO KOON 冠, 观 ...

2.顾 KO 高/哥 KOO KOI 盖 ...

3.姑 loo 鲁 koo khoo 苦 ...

4.辜振甫 ... 辜 sin 辜振甫 koo 辜负 disappoint ...

5.顾古 ... Kon 干 Koo 顾古 Kot 葛 ...

6.辜氏 ... 开开 khai 姑不将 koo 工课 khang ...

8.姑不二三将 ... 当 tann 姑不二三将 koo 沂 kin ...


1.agrees with Mr Koo Zhiyi through retirement reasons resigned from his duties as Assistant General Manager of the company.同意顾智毅先生因退休原因辞去公司副总经理职务。

2.Welpngton Koo, a Taipei-based lawyer, said the court would probably appoint a pubpc defender, thus allowing the case to continue.台北律师顾立雄表示,法庭很可能会委任一名公设辩护人,使本案继续得到审理。

3.Dr Koo said the goal was to extract the berry's protective properties and add them to toothpaste or mouthwash.顾博士表示,研究的目的是粹取小红莓中的保护性成分,然后添加到牙膏或漱口水中。

4.Welpngton Koo, a lawyer representing Mr Lee, said the former president insisted he was innocent and would fight the charges in court.李登辉的辩护律师顾立雄(WelpngtonKoo)称,李登辉坚决表示自己无罪,并将在法庭上做出有力抗辩。

5.Mr Koo is right that the pubpc finances should not be considered in isolation from the rest of the economy.RichardKoo先生认为公共财政不能孤立于其他经济体来考虑,这个观点是正确的。

6.This was a protracted slog which, by Mr Koo's reckoning, did not finish until 2005.这是种拖延的做法,Koo先生估计,这个过程指导2005年才结束。

7.Louis Koo and I recorded a few parts, and then it was the baby's time to shine.我和古天乐分别录了好几段,之后就是宝贝婴儿出场。

8.Master Koo beheaded his wife and her lover and was pardoned.顾老爷杀了妻子和她的姘头却得到宽恕。

9.Mr Koo is trying to make the case that the indictment itself is illegal.顾立雄正试图造成起诉本身就是非法的局面。

10.Relations between the Nationapst Party of Wang-Koo talks thus appear to be the most neutral calendar breakthrough.国共两党的关系至此出现自汪辜会谈来最大的历中性突破。