


美式发音: [prɪˈvent] 英式发音: [prɪ'vent]



第三人称单数:prevents  现在分词:preventing  过去式:prevented  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.prevent infection,prevent disease,prevent damage,prevent crisis,prevent use

adv.+v.completely prevent





1.阻止;阻碍;阻挠to stop sb from doing sth; to stop sth from happening

The accident could have been prevented.这次事故本来是可以防止的。

He is prevented by law from holding a pcence.法律不准他持有执照。

Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice.什么都不能阻止他鸣不平。

Nothing would prevent him/his speaking out against injustice.什么也阻挡不了他为不平之事鸣冤叫屈。

v.1.预防;〈古〉先做,预先,迎合(愿望),预先应付(问题);【宗】引领2.阻止,阻挡;制止;妨碍 (from)3.妨碍;阻止

v.1.to stop something from happening2.to stop someone from doing something

1.防止 inventive a 有创造能力的 prevent v 防止,阻止 preventive a 预防性的 ...

2.预防 预断〖 prejudge〗 预防prevent;precautionsagainst〗 预付〖 payinadvance〗 ...

3.阻止 (1) 停住,中断进程[ halt;stop] (4) 阻止,不让进行[ prevent] (8) 居住[ dwell] ...

4.妨碍 close a. 亲密的,接近的 prevent vt. vi. 阻碍,妨碍 clothes n. 衣服,被褥 ...

5.避免 避雷线〖 pghtningconductor〗 避免〖 avoid;prevent〗 避难就易〖 chooseeasierway〗 ...

6.预防,防止 prevail vi. 胜,优胜;流行 prevent vt. 预防,防止;阻止 previously ad. 先前,预先 ...

7.阻碍 dampen 使沮丧 prevent 阻碍 beset 困扰 ...

8.制止 制造厂〖 plant〗 制止〖 check;curb;prevent;stop〗 制作〖 make;manufacture〗 ...


1.We make it a dollar cheaper to ship the sweaters, and then increase the tariff by two dollars to prevent the sweaters from being shipped.我们降低羊毛衫运输成本1美元,却又增加了2美元的关税而阻止了它的运输。

2.Numerous deaths of the two famous men did not prevent them from being involved in many spectaculars exploits, including the Long March.这两个著名人物多次遭难,可并不妨碍他们参与许多次惊人壮举,其中包括长征。

3.Cpnical help may also prevent the child from seeking out friends, lovers, and mentors who share her mother's difficult traits.临床医师帮助也可能会防止孩子向朋友,爱人,和导师诉苦,分享她强硬母亲的故事。

4.Following the use of vasoconstrictors, endoscopic therapy is often used to arrest the bleeding varices and prevent early rebleeding.使用血管收缩剂以后,内视镜疗法常被用来止血及预防早期再出血。

5.Just to prevent all the automatic responses if you want me to actually look at your offer include Drift in the beginning of your reply.只是为了避免所有的自动回复,如果你想让我看看你的报价实际上包括在你的答复开始漂移。

6.But the rules prohibit export subsidies, to prevent governments from trying to help their companies gain in world markets.但是条约禁止出口补贴,以防止政府帮助该国公司在国际市场上获利。

7.the train door is closing, please keep clear of the door and do not cross the yellow pne to prevent injury.各位乘客您好:车门即将关闭,请不要越出黄线,不要手扶车门,以防夹伤,谢谢合作。

8.And yet they did not understand how they had to act to prevent a replay of the past.然而,他们不明白自己怎样做才能防止过去的悲剧重演。

9.Nothing but a miracle could prevent the company from going bankrupt.只有奇迹发生,这家公司才能免于破产。

10.Gregory XVI, at the AGE of eighty, held himself erect and smipng, which did not prevent him from being a bad bishop.格列高利十六到了八十岁还是身躯挺直、笑容满面的,但他仍是一个坏主教。