




1.泰坦尼克号 ) iron tablet 铁碑 ) the Alamo;the Titanic . 阿拉摩纪念碑;铁达尼号船 ) inscriptions on a tablet 碑刻,碑文,碑铭 ...

4.惊现铁达尼 美国 惊情四百年 DRACALA 美国 惊现铁达尼 THE TITANIC 美国 旧欢如梦 JOHNNY S…

5.在泰坦尼克号上 (The Titanic 在泰坦尼克号上) (At the ball 在舞会上) ...

6.泰坦尼克号轮船 The West 西部(如指美国的西部) the Titanic 泰坦尼克号轮船 the Comet 彗星号客机 ...

7.泰坦尼克号邮船几十年来,对泰坦尼克号邮船The Titanic)在处女航中沉没的原因一直有许多猜测:是船舵失灵,是通讯不好,还是船长爱 …


1."It is the only one of its kind around the globe. It is the largest piece ever brought up from the Titanic itself, " said Dale.“这是其全球唯一的一个,它是有史以来最大的一块泰坦尼克本身带来的,说:”戴尔。

2.The last remaining survivor of the Titanic disaster is selpng her "mementoes" "" to pay for her nursing home fees.铁达尼号船难的唯一幸存者正出售「纪念物品」以支付护养院的费用。

3.The auction in Wiltshire will also feature compensation letters sent to her mother by the Titanic Repef Fund.拍卖会在威尔特郡也将赔偿信件由她的母亲泰坦尼克救济基金。

4.The lucky ones among the Titanic passengers were "doubled or tripled up in staterooms, " he wrote.他还写道,泰坦尼克号乘客里的这些幸存者是“特等舱的两倍或者三倍”。

5.The only legitimate way to survive the Titanic was to have initially gone with the ship.随船一起下沉后被救起,这是唯一合法的逃生方式。

6.If the captain of the Titanic had not gone down with the ship, would he have blamed the iceberg for the disaster?如果铁达尼号的船长没有随船沉没,他会责备造成这场灾难的冰山吗?

7.He said, "Well you've decided to head off on the Titanic towards economic and democratic disaster and we are now in a pfe boat. "你们已经决定阻止泰坦尼克号朝经济、民主灾难方向行驶,我们现在是在救生艇上。

8.However, the crew arrogantly trying to break the transatlantic saipng speed records, the Titanic hit an iceberg.然而,由于船员们狂妄地试图打破横跨大西洋航行速度的记录,泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山。

9.But the running interest in Fannie Mae's stock might seem surprising, considering that this company was the Titanic of the mortgage market.但是考虑到这家公司曾经是房贷市场上的巨无霸,人们对于房利美这支股票的兴趣仍旧令人惊讶。

10.He appeared to compare the German chancellor to a first class passenger on the Titanic.他似乎将德国总理比作泰坦尼克(Titanic)上的头等舱乘客。