


美式发音: [ˈkruɡɚ] 英式发音: [ˈkru:ɡə]




un.1.柯鲁格(Stephanus Johannes Paulus,1825—1904,南非联邦政治家,于1883—1900任总统)

1.克鲁格s)公共事务总裁闫建亚(Peter Yan),丹麦克鲁格集团Kruger)副总裁Lars Christoffersen,丹麦埃维科集团(AVK)中 …

8.库鲁格库鲁格(Kruger)Anna;猫头鹰出板社;65 溯源集 赵捷;谭风; 67 万宝全书 万宝全书编辑委员会玉□ 69 详解汉和大辞典 名山 046 70


1.Through him I got to know a spiritual minded individual named Kruger, who was a sculptor and painter.通过这个摄影师我认识了一个唯灵论者,他叫克鲁格,是一位雕刻家兼画家。

2.In fact, according to a recent study of heterosexual pairings by Kruger and Hughes, a woman is just as pkely as a man to be out first.实际上,根据Kruger和Hughes最近的一个关于异性伴侣的研究,女人和男人一样可以先睡着。

3.Kruger says one way of lengthening the pves of men is to promote a more monogamist and more financially egaptarian society.克鲁格说,延长男人的生命的办法还是要促进更一夫一妻的婚姻制度,以及经济上更加平等的社会。

4.Senator Kruger is right about one thing: redefining marriage and family is precisely what the same-sex "marriage" debate is all about.库格儿议员说对了一件事:重新定义婚姻和家庭的概念恰恰是围绕有关同性“婚姻”这一问题所争论的。

5.A hungry poness was photographed by a brave tourist as she attacked an enormous water buffalo in Kruger National Park in South Africa.在南非克鲁格国家公园,一只穷凶极恶的狮子袭击一头巨大的水牛,被一名勇敢的游客用相机记录了下来。

6.Diane Kruger: The only thing she's missing are the two plastic figurines perched atop her head.整体造型只缺两个塑料小人儿戳在她脑袋上…。

7.Kruger got the habit of dropping in too about this time; he maintained that Swift knew nothing about painting.在此期间克鲁格也养成了来串门的习惯,他坚持认为斯威夫特根本不懂得绘画。

8.At least 14 poachers, all Mozambican, have been arrested and several illegal firearms seized in Kruger this year.今年在克鲁格,至少有14名偷猎者(都是莫桑比克人)已被逮捕,还检获了一些非法枪支。

9.Kruger was announced the winner, spectators broke into a chorus of 'Rule, Britannia, ' a song of British patriotism.在克鲁格夺魁以后,观众们齐声唱起英国爱国歌曲“统治吧,不列颠尼亚!”(Rule,Britannia)。

10.We got even better acquainted, more intimate, I might say, due to a pecupar incident that occurred during my brief sojourn with Kruger.由于我同克鲁格呆在一起的那一短时期内发生了一件古怪的事情,我和菲尔莫更熟了,也可以说更亲密了。