




1.库兹涅茨环境的交互耦合机制 ,采用代数学和几何学两种方法对环境库兹涅茨 (KUZNETS)曲线和城市化对数曲线进行逻辑复合 ,推导出 …

5.库兹尼茨早在1949年库兹尼茨(Kuznets)就提出一个国家国民收入的度量必须从产业结构的角度去衡量,而一个经济的产业结构又是由其生 …


1.Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis is one of these hot issues.环境库兹涅茨曲线假说便是其中热点问题之一。

2.Even Kuznets agreed that "the welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measure of national income. "库兹涅茨认为,“国家的福利无法通过国民收入来衡量。”

3.In dozens of studies, researchers identified Kuznets curves for a variety of environmental problems.在许多的研究中,针对众多的环境问题研究者来识别Kuznets曲线。

4.Surprisingly, nowhere in the paper did he actually draw the "Kuznets curve" that is now inseparable from his name.令人意外的是,已与作者密不可分的“库兹涅茨曲线”其实并没有出现在这篇论文中。

5.The paper also finds that the appropriate Kuznets curve inflection point is 20000 RMB in terms of GDP per capita.人均GDP达到2万元是库兹涅茨曲线拐点出现的一个比较恰当的位置。

6.His first work of wider appeal was a study with Simon Kuznets, pubpshed in 1945, of income from independent professional practice.他首部受到广泛欢迎的著作于1945年出版,是与西蒙-库兹涅茨(SimonKuznets)合著的对独立职业活动收入进行的研究。

7.It's called a Kuznets curve (in honor of the economist Simon Kuznets, who detected this pattern in trends of income inequapty).以经济学家SimonKuznets命名,他在研究收入不平等趋势时发现了这个曲线。

8.Kuznets' idea, presented to Congress that year, was simple: Measure all production by companies, people, and government.库兹涅茨提交给国会的想法很简单:通过公司、个人和政府来衡量所有的生产。

9.Simon Kuznets has adopted the method of inductive statistics to compare different deviation of employment structures of the world.西蒙·库兹涅茨曾采用统计归纳的方法对世界各国不同人均国内生产总值基准点的就业结构偏离度进行了直接的比较研究。

10.Environmental Kuznets Curve is at present popular in the field of environmental economics.环境库兹涅茨曲线是目前环境经济领域被广泛引用的一个计量模型。