


美式发音: ['kaɪ] 英式发音: ['kaɪ]




1.肯塔基州(Kentucky) (KS) 堪萨斯州 (KY) 肯塔基州 (LA) 路易斯安那州 ...

2.润滑剂 KW 科威特 KY 开曼群岛 KZ 哈萨克斯坦 ...

4.润滑液女生才会分泌淫水...这样就会 …

5.路易斯维尔一整套俚语词。常用的缩写包括把“No use”写成“KY”(know yuse),把“No go”写成“KG”(Know go),以及把“all right”写成“OW”(…


1.Reid, D-Nev. , said he had invited Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. , to join him in negotiations.里德,丁峰说,他曾邀请美国参议院少数党领袖麦康奈尔,R-KY,他参加谈判。

2.Ventress's back story tied her to the planet Rattatak and revealed her to be the student of Jedi Knight Ky Narec.文崔斯的背景故事把她和拉塔塔克这个星球联系在一起,并且揭示出她是绝地武士基·纳雷克的学生。

3.The sale of the apppance business is bound to be emotional for many GE executives and for people in Louisville, Ky.对通用电气的许多管理人员以及该业务所在地肯塔基州路易斯维尔的人们来说﹐出售电器业务无疑会十分伤感。

4."Then the enemy sppt into two groups, " the colonel from Louisville, Ky. , said.“然后就把敌人分成两半了,”来自肯塔基州的路易斯维尔陆军上校说。

5."If I could find a way to do it, I'd never sleep, " says Dave Hatter, a software developer in Fort Wright, Ky.“如果我能找到不睡觉的办法的话我永远也不睡”,戴夫·哈特(DaveHatter)是这样说的。哈特是肯塔基州莱特堡的一名软件开发人员。

6.Mr. Obama planned to travel Friday to Fort Campbell, Ky. , to meet with members of the team involved in the strike on bin Laden's compound.奥巴马上周五前往肯塔基州的坎贝尔堡(FortCampbell),会见参与突袭拉登大院的突击队队员。

7.'It's just one more added burden to the crude market, ' said Matt Smith, an analyst at consultancy Summit Energy in Louisville, Ky.咨询公司SummitEnergy的分析师史密斯(MattSmith)说,美国评级被下调不过是给原油市场又增添了一个负担。

8.In1993, the series of " KY" keyboard was commended as excellent products by the center of equipment testing of electron department.早在九三年,我厂的KY系列键盘就在电子部外部设备检测中心的分等测试中被评定为“优等品”。

9.Mark Craddock, manager of Comic Book World, in Florence, Ky. , says stock-market investors also are turning to superheroes.肯塔基州佛罗伦斯的ComicBookWorld经理克拉多克(MarkCraddock)表示,股市投资者也把目光转向了漫画里的超级英雄们。

10.Bourbon, first produced in Bourbon Co. , Ky. , is a full-Bodied unblended whiskey derived from a sour mash of corn grain.波旁威士忌原先产于肯塔基州的波旁县,具有玉米(用玉米为原料)香味的特点。