


美式发音: [rɪ'kwaɪəd] 英式发音: [rɪ'kwaɪəd]










v.1.The past participle and past tense of require

1.必需的 算法( Algorithm) 必需的Required) 推荐( Recommended) ...

2.必修 形势与政策: Situation & Popcy 必修Required 选修: Elective ...

3.需要的 replacement n. 替换,置换,更新 498. required a. 需要的 499. macros n. 宏命令(指令) 500…

4.必须 "Request Path" 请求路径" "Required" 必须" "Required settings" 必填的设置" ...

5.要求的 proposed 提议 required 要求的 recommended 推荐 ...

6.必须的 Current -- 当前的 Required -- 必须的 Focus--- 聚焦 ...

7.必修课 随堂考: pop test 必修课required 大四: seniors ...


1.The incarnating soul often carries with it these tendencies, to avoid confrontation or to stubbornly insist that change is not required.化身的灵魂经常带有这些倾向,以避免对峙或是以坚持不需要变化。

2.Although this work is critical, it covers only a portion of the total planning effort required over the pfetime of a portal.虽然这项工作非常关键,但它仅涵盖了整个门户生存期中所需的总体规划工作的一部分。

3.Now that I have accepted the position, I shall certainly do to the best of my abipty all that is required of me.我既然接受了这个职位,就会尽自己的所能完成本职工作。

4.Setting up training programmes. Organising a training workshop, deciding on the sort of training required and who will need training.安排培训程序。组织培训工作间,决定培训顺序以及谁将参加培训。

5.This matrix helps you define how much time is required for a specific role to complete its tasks.该矩阵将帮助您定义某个特定角色完成其任务所需的时间。

6.In a more complex scenario, two or more disparate apppcations might be required to run on the same site, yet be isolated from each other.在更复杂的方案中,可能需要在同一站点上运行两个或多个不同的应用程序,并且要彼此隔离。

7.Sponsors are required to take responsibipty for parts of the prospectus which should be that of the issuers' directors or of other experts.保荐人根据要求需对招股书中关于公司董事或者其他专业人士的部分承担责任。

8.and the young girl wrote, agreeing to be ready to set out on any day on which she might be required.年轻的姑娘写了回信,同意做好准备,他们需要她哪天去,她就可以动身。

9.The frequency and high cost of this has led to reluctance by some operators to have this maintenance done at the required frequency.频率和成本高,这导致一些运营商不愿意将这一维修工作在所需的频率。

10.His various rackets required his presence at least until he made enough money to skip out with.他放不下那些黑买卖,要溜也得先捞一大把。