


美式发音: [ˈhoʊpfəp] 英式发音: [ˈhəʊpf(ə)p]





adv.confidently,expectantly,optimistically,positively,with any luck



1.有希望地;可以指望used to express what you hope will happen

Hopefully, we'll arrive before dark.我们有望在天黑前到达。

2.抱有希望地showing hope

‘Are you free tonight?’ she asked hopefully.“你今晚有空吗?”她抱着希望地问。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you hope something will happen2.feepng or showing hope

1.希望如此 Gorgeous!- 美极了! Hopefully!- 希望如此! Horrible!- 好可怕! ...

2.有希望地 tourist n. 旅行者;观光者 hopefully adv. 有希望地 wheelchair n. 轮椅 ...

3.但愿 crack: 裂缝 hopefully: [口语]但愿 survey: 调查 ...

4.但愿能去 I hope you're right.( 但愿是这样。) Hopefully.( 但愿能去。) I'll keep my hopes up.( 我期待着……。) ...

5.我希望 46. Hi! 嗨! 47. Hopefully! 我希望! 48. Horrible! 好可怕! ...

6.抱有希望地 lecture 演讲;讲课 hopefully 抱有希望地 agent 代理人;经纪人 ...

7.满怀希望地 21.thankfully 感激地 22.hopefully 满怀希望地 23.sadly 伤心地,不幸地 ...


1.Hopefully, you can see that if I take a normal vector to the sphere it is actually pointing radially out away from the origin.我希望大家能够了解,如果我将法向量平移至球面,那么它将以原点为心向外放射。

2.Eventually the child will start to feel more at ease and will hopefully begin to relax with you.归根到底和你在一起,孩子会开始觉得更加安心,很有希望变得从容自得。

3.Yes, you need to use your eyes to look into the future, seeing hopefully just a few miles farther than most of your peers.是的,你们需要用眼睛来洞察未来,希望能比你们的同龄人看的更远一些。

4.Hopefully, I've convinced you by this point that annotations are not always better than configuration files.在这一点上,我希望已经说服了您:注释并不总是比配置文件好。

5."We're going to go away to Seville for a few days and do a bit of training there, and hopefully get on track, " said Sbragia.我们将去到塞维利亚并在那训练一段时间,希望球队能重新回到轨道。

6.Translation There, a bizarre flow of stuff is logged into a carefully kept database, investigated and, hopefully, returned to its owners.那儿,有一堆稀奇古怪的东西被仔细保存在数据库里,被调查,并满怀希望的还给它的主人。

7.This allows you to be well prepared so you can keep the meeting moving along and hopefully it won't take all day.这可以让你事先做好充分的准备以确保会议的顺利进行,并不会让会议占用一整天的时间。

8.Hopefully they know how much their hard work and dedication has been valued by our entire community over the years.希望他们知道多少其硬盘工作,并且它已被年值通过我们的整个社区成员。

9.Hopefully you discovered that RESTful Web services can be easy to understand and implement.希望您能够发现,可以很容易地理解和实现基于REST的Web服务。

10.If I keep working hard and keep working on certain parts of my game, hopefully the manager will be able to trust me more.如果我持续不断的努力工作,并在有限的上场时间内做好本分,希望主教练会对我投以多点信任。