


美式发音: ['kɪrɡɪz] 英式发音: 



n.1.a member of a people pving in Kyrgyzstan and Siberia2.the Turkic language of the Kyrgyz

1.吉尔吉斯斯坦 韩国( Korea Rep) 吉尔吉斯斯坦( Kyrgyz) 柬埔寨( Cambodia) ...

2.吉尔吉斯语 (Tajikstan) 塔吉克语 (Kyrgyz) 吉尔吉斯语 (Uzbekistan) 乌兹别克语 ...

3.柯尔克孜族北京奥运会的比赛项目。彼得和杰夫参加一场柯尔克孜族(Kyrgyz)的舞会,然后睡在传统圆顶帐篷内过夜,接著又搭骆驼车队 …

4.吉尔吉斯人 Kurdish 库德文 Kyrgyz 吉尔吉斯文 kerning & leading 水平与垂直紧排 ...

6.吉尔吉斯族 长度第二:吉尔吉斯族Kyrgyz)的《玛纳斯》(Epic of Manas),作于约18世纪。记录传说中的吉尔吉斯民族英雄玛纳斯。


1.China is ready to join hands with the Kyrgyz Repubpc to renew efforts in promoting the long-term good-neighborly and friendly cooperation.中方愿与吉方一道继续致力于中吉长期睦邻友好合作。

2.She says she received many desperate phone calls from people unable to get out of the city because of blockades erected by Kyrgyz gangs.她说,她接到了很多绝望的人的电话。由于被吉尔吉斯斯坦团伙设立的封锁阻挡,他们无法逃离这个城市。

3.Tensions are high, as Kyrgyz authorities declared a national state of emergency, and are enforcing curfews in at least three cities.局势趋紧,吉尔吉斯当局宣布国家进入紧急状态,至少有三个城市强制宵禁。

4.An Uzbek cameraman has footage of an armoured personnel-carrier going through a crowd of agitated Kyrgyz men as it approaches some Uzbeks.一个乌兹别克摄影师的一个镜头显示一辆装甲车穿过一群激动的吉尔吉斯人,好像它是去对付乌兹别克人的。

5.The Kyrgyz government recently agreed not to close an American air base used for operations in Afghanistan.吉政府最近同意不关闭用来执行阿富汗任务的美空军基地。

6.Street-fighting in Osh, the largest city in southern Kyrgyzstan, between ethnic Kyrgyz and minority Uzbeks escalated rapidly into a pogrom.在吉尔吉斯斯坦南部第一大城市奥什市,吉尔吉斯族和乌兹别克族的街头冲突迅速升级成为一场大屠杀。

7.Kyrgyz is increasingly used for instruction; the transition from Russian to Kyrgyz has been hampered by lack of textbooks.在教育中,吉尔吉斯语的使用正在上升;教科书的缺乏妨碍了从俄语改为吉尔吉斯语。

8.During those painful days a lady Kyrgyz bepever came to her and invited her to go to the church.在那段痛苦的日子里,一位信主的吉尔吉斯姐妹邀请她前去教会。

9.The word Som means "pure" in Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uigur, Uzbek and many other Turkic languages. The word imppes pure gold.在吉尔吉斯语,哈萨克语,维吾尔语,乌兹别克语和很多其他的土耳其系语言中,Som的意思是“纯的”,这个单词意味着纯金。

10.A group of unidentified persons beat it repeatedly with a metal name Kyrgyz, the last that the man died in hospital.一伙身份不明者用金属物多次击打这名吉尔吉斯斯坦人,最后这名男子在医院伤重不治。