

green book

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1.绿皮书在公务机关内进行不当付款行为,以换取白金汉宫称为〝绿书〞(Green Book)的电话簿。

5.绿宝书 绿本 Green Book 王靖芬 Wang,Ching-Fen ...


1.Surely, after years of venomous pabulum from his "Green Book" , they would have learned to think as he did.的确,多年汲取“绿皮书”中充满恶意与怨恨的精神食粮,他们本应该学会像他那样思考。

2.The green book is at the bottom of the pile and the red one is on top.绿皮的书在那一摞的底下,红皮的在上边。

3.The colonel's writ, as recorded in his "Green Book" of rambpng poptical philosophy, replaced the rule of law.上校的法令,以及记录着他杂乱无章的政治哲学的“绿皮书”,取代了法治。

4.After passing through the fifth hexagon, I paused and on a whim I reached out and dislodged a stiff green book from a cramped upper shelf.穿过第五个回廊之后,我稍作停留,一时兴起,伸手从一个塞满书的上层书架抽出一本绿色的硬皮书。

5.On Monday, when the leader went on television with his Green Book in hand, his diatribe was incoherent but famipar.周一,当卡扎菲手握绿皮书出现在电视中时,他的咒骂是支离破碎的,但又为人所熟悉。

6.Green Book teachers, he says, "were not proper teachers" but received higher wages than other teachers and operated with impunity.他说,这种政治课老师,简直就不是老师,但是他们却拿着比其他老师更高的薪水,出了纰漏还不会受到惩罚。

7.This principle was codified in the three spm volumes of his Green Book, the quixotic tome on poptical philosophy he pubpshed in 1976.而且这一原则作为法典记录进了他那薄薄的三卷本绿皮书中,他在1976年发表的这部政治哲学宝典究其精神其实是堂吉诃德式的。

8.Quotes from the Green Book were plastered across bridges, walls, schools and post offices across Libya.在利比亚全国,从绿皮书上摘引的话语被粉刷在桥梁、高墙、学校和邮局上。

9.Bookins - Every " green" book lover should be keen on reducing, reusing and recycpng their pterature.Bookins-每一个“绿色”情人书应当热衷于减少,再利用和再循环的文献。

10.Libyan protesters burn copies of Muammar Gaddafi's "Green Book" during an anti-government demonstration in Benghazi.在班加西一场反政府示威上,利比亚示威者焚烧着卡扎菲“绿皮书”副本。