


美式发音: [ˈleɪbərər] 英式发音: [ˈleɪbərə(r)]



复数:laborers  同义词

n.manual worker,blue-collar worker,hand,workhand,drudge


laborer— see alsolaboured,labourer,labouring



n.1.someone whose job involves hard physical work, for example building work

na.1.The variant of labourer

1.劳动者 和尚: monk 劳动者: laborer 失业者: unemployed ...

2.劳工 judge n. 法官 laborer n. 劳工 landlady n. 女房东 ...

3.工人 influence on 分成(部分) laborer 劳动者;工人 cobbler 补鞋匠 ...

4.体力劳动者 kowtow v. 叩头;磕头 laborer n. (尤指户外的)体力劳动者,劳工,工人 lamb n. 羔 …

5.服劳役的人 劳役〖 labor〗 服劳役的人laborer〗 仆人〖 servant〗 ...

6.劳动打务工佣大家 judge n. 法官 laborer n. 劳动打务工佣大家 earthlady n. 女房东 ...

7.壮工 electrician-- 电工 laborer-- 壮工 maintenance engineer-- 维修工程师 ...

8.要素所有者劳动者 ... 利润 Profit 要素所有者劳动者 Laborer 土地所有者 Landowner ...


1.He worked his way through university as a day laborer.他做着日薪工人赚钱读完大学。

2.Imagination can install an invisible pair of wings, turn you into a creative laborer, flying over the peaks of your pfe course.想象力给你插上隐形的翅膀,使你成为能进行创造性劳动的人,飞跃人生事业的巅峰,一览众山小。

3.At the end of the indenture, the laborer was given a rifle, an axe and a bag of corn, and went off to make his own farm in the wilderness.契约期满后工人只得到一只枪,一把斧头和一袋粮食,然后离开,到荒原中去建立自己的农场。

4.Even after she was freed, Melvinia stayed put, working as a farm laborer on land adjacent to that of Charles Shields, one of Henry's sons.甚至在她获得自由之后,梅尔温妮娅仍一度在与查尔斯-谢尔兹农场毗邻的一个庄园干活。查尔斯是亨利的一个儿子。

5.As a young man, One day on his way home, he saw several laborer transporting a casket in a poor neighborhood.在他年轻的时候﹐有一天他走在回家的路上﹐看到几个工人在一个穷人区搬运棺材。

6.People all sympathized with her as she was married to a rich man and she loved a laborer on the farm.人们都同情她,因为她嫁了个有钱人,可是她爱的是农场的一个工人。

7.Among those who said he was compelled to attend the rally was a 46-year-old laborer who asked not to be identified.Among那些谁说他被迫参加集会是一个46岁的工人谁要求不透露姓名的老。

8.The laborer has worked for the merchant a month, and now he will take it out in articles for the store.那个工人已经替这家商店工作了一个月,他要在店中取得等值的商品作为工资。

9.That which is now to be expropriated is no longer the laborer working for himself, but the capitapst exploiting many laborers.现在要剥夺的已经不再是独立经营的劳动者,而是剥削许多工人的资本家了。

10.He received his first introduction to woodworking and handicrafts at the side of his father, who was a talented general laborer.他最早是跟在父亲身边因而接触了木工和手工艺品,他父亲是一个颇有才华的普通工人。