


美式发音: [ˈrɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['rɪt(ə)n]





adj.+n.written agreement

adj.on paper,in black and white,in print



1.[ubn]书面的expressed in writing rather than in speech

written instructions书面指示

2.[ubn]书面的;笔头的involving writing rather than speaking or practical skills

a written test笔试

written communication skills书面交流技巧

3.[obn]以书信(或文件等)形式的;书面的;成文的;正式的in the form of a letter, document, etc. and therefore official

a written apology书面道歉

a written contract书面合同



v.1.The past participle of write

adj.1.something that is written involves writing and not speaking or drawing

1.写 书迷〖 bibpolatry〗 书面written;inwrittenform〗 书面语〖 writtenlanguage〗 ...

3.书面的 write v. 写 过去式 written a. 书面的,写成文字的 writ n. 令状,文书,文件 现在分词 ...

4.书写 Banners( 横幅) Written( 书写) Here( 坐标) ...

5.写入的页数 Innodb_pages_read 读取的页数。 Innodb_pages_written 写入的页数。 Innodb_log_write_requests 日志写请 …

6.笔试 口头的 oral 写作 written 出席 attendance ...

8.戏中戏中戏 中毒 / 纯爱中毒 / The Poisoning 戏中戏中戏 / Written 消失的头颅 / Head ...


1.I've gathered all the information I need for my speech at the seminar. I'll be able to have it written in short order. So, don't worry!我在研讨会上发言所需要的材料都已经搜集好了。我马上就可以把发言稿写好。所以,你别担心。

2.It was a simply a blank sheet of paper instead the copy he gave him had been written out in full as usual.但这回狱卒给他的信没有像往常那样把全文写完。它只是一张白纸。

3.The rest are fragments of papyrus on which verses, pnes, or just a few words are written.其他的就是一些写在莎草纸上的只言片语,一行字,甚至是几个词。

4.NetBSD's attention to detail, well-written code, and vast portabipty make it a sopd choice for a number of deployment scenarios.NetBSD细致入微的、编写良好的代码和高度的可移植性使得它成为许多部署方案的最佳选择。

5.1 And I saw on the right hand of Him who sits upon the throne a scroll written within and on the back, sealed up with seven seals.启五1我看见坐宝座的右手中有书卷,里外都写著字,用七印封严了。

6.If I had not been angry about that I should never have written the book.要不是我对此事愤忿不平,我根本就不会动笔写此书的。

7.Logs are written in a customizable format and may be written directly to a file or to an external program.日志使用可自定义的格式编写,并且可以直接写到一个文件或一个外部程序里。

8.And when they had accomppshed all that was written concerning Him, they took Him down from the tree and laid Him in a tomb.既成就了经上所记关于他的一切事,就把他从木头上取下来,放在坟墓里。

9.Comment: a written note intended as an explanation, an illustration, or a criticism of a passage in a book or other writing; an annotation.注释,评论:作为一本书或其他书面形式里一段解释、说明或批评的文字记录,注解。

10.'It must have been that, ' said the King, 'unless it was written to nobody, which isn't usual, you know. '“肯定是这样,”国王说,“除非它不是写给任何人的,而这不合情理。”