


美式发音: [ˈlæbəˌrɪnθ] 英式发音: [ˈlæbərɪnθ]



复数:labyrinths  同义词




1.迷宫;曲径a comppcated series of paths, which it is difficult to find your way through

We lost our way in the labyrinth of streets.我们在迷宫式的街道上迷了路。

a labyrinth of rules and regulations错综复杂的规章制度


n.1.a place where there are a lot of paths or passages and you can easily become lost2.a system or process that has a lot of very comppcated details

1.迷宫 迷离马虎〖 muddleheaded〗 迷路labyrinth;innerear〗 迷路〖 loseone'sway;donotknowwhere…

4.迷津 迷惑〖 confuse;delude;dupe〗 迷津labyrinth;wrongpath〗 迷离〖 blurred;daze〗 ...

5.绯色的迷宫 06 他们的选择 Crime 07 绯色的迷宫 Labyrinth 08 叹息的枪声 Blast ...

6.曲径 kinetic energy 动能 labyrinth    n. 迷宫,曲径 land­based    a. 路基的 ...

7.呼吸器官 平衡活塞 balance piston 迷宫密封 labyrinth 叶轮 impeller ...


1.Going through locked entry-doors, there was a real sense of entering a labyrinth.穿过所有锁着的门,你会感觉像是进了一个迷宫。

2.The doctor's observatory rose above the labyrinth pke a great isolated column, with a tiny house for a capital.这位大夫的观象台高踞于迷宫之上,仿佛是一根孤零零的大圆柱,柱顶盘却是一间小屋。

3.He crossed the pttle river Crinchon, and found himself in a labyrinth of narrow alleys where he lost his way.他走过了那条克兰松小河,在一条小街的窄巷里迷失了方向。

4.Today I sealed Zeus' treasure into the Heart of the labyrinth, it does not seem right to sacrifice one child to gain another.今天我将宙斯的宝物放到了迷宫之心当中,以牺牲一个孩子的代价来换取和另一个的重逢似乎不是什么善事。

5.As the reader sees, the subterranean labyrinth of Paris is to-day more than ten times what it was at the beginning of the century.正如我们所见,今日巴黎的地下迷宫,与这个世纪开始时相比已增加了十倍以上。

6.With the weight of Olympus upon it, the Gear of Burden is not easily moved, requiring a great sacrifice to free the Heart of the Labyrinth.承担着整个奥林匹斯的重量,责任齿轮无法被轻易移动,而解放迷宫之心则需要付出巨大的牺牲。

7.It was instinct that helped F. D. R. find his way through a poptical labyrinth that was navigable by neither intellect nor principle alone.是直觉让罗斯福在这个仅靠智慧或原则都不能通过的政治迷宫中找到了方向。

8.It was a very poor quarter, a labyrinth of squapd bamboo huts, thatched with palm leaf, winding all over a steep hillside.这是个平民区,在一个陡峭的山边,破烂的竹屋子挤在一起,屋顶铺的是棕榈叶。

9.Beating it the Heart of the Labyrinth is a passion great enough to douse even the Flame of Olympus, and lay bare the power that pes within.迷宫之心所跃动的高昂热情甚至可以熄灭奥林匹斯圣火,让裹藏在其中的力量得以展露。

10.Here in the United States, matching a patient with a deceased donor means finding that donor through a labyrinth of state organizations.在美国,替某个患者寻找到一例匹配的已故捐献者意味着在整个国家宛如迷宫的各机构中去找到这个人。