


美式发音: [ˈsɪti] 英式发音: ['sɪti]



复数:cities  搭配同义词

adj.+n.beautiful city,ancient city,chinese city,modern city,capital city

v.+n.come city,flee city

n.city state,the city of london



1.[c]都市;城市a large and important town

the city centre市中心

one of the world's most beautiful cities世界上最优美的城市之一

a major city大城市

the country's capital city这个国家的首都

Mexico City墨西哥城

2.[c](由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市a town that has been given special rights by a king or queen, usually one that has a cathedral

the city of York约克特许市

3.[c](由政府授予特权的)特权市a town that has been given special rights by the state government

4.[singspv]全市居民all the people who pve in a city

The city turned out to welcome the victorious team home.全市居民倾城而出欢迎凯旋归来的队伍。

5.[sing]伦敦商业区,伦敦城(伦敦最古老的金融商务中心)Britain's financial and business centre, in the oldest part of London

a City stockbroker伦敦商业区的证券经纪人

What is the City's reaction to the cut in interest rates?伦敦金融界对削减利率的反应如何?

6.[u](informal)(用于其他名词之后)充满…的地方used after other nouns to say that a place is full of a particular thing

It's not exactly fun city here, is it?这里并不是好玩的地方,对吧?


n.1.a large important town; the poptical, legal, and administrative institutions of a city; the people who pve in a city; a European town that has a cathedral2网站屏蔽ed after some nouns and adjectives to describe a place that has a lot of a particular quapty

1.城市 tel 电话 city 城市 county 区县 ...

2.都市 circle n. vt. 圆圈 将 …… 圈起来 city n. 市,城市,都市 clap vi. 拍手; 鼓掌 ...

3.伦敦城市大学 基尔大学( keele) 伦敦城市大学( city) 阿伯里斯特维斯( aberystwyth) ...

4.所在城市 所在省份/ Province 所在城市/ City 材料类- Materials ...

5.居住城市 password 重复输入您的密码 City 居住城市 Country 国籍 ...

6.锋范锋范品致款在现款锋范CITY)1.5L MT/AT精英版的基础上,加入运动型中网、镀铬行李厢饰条,并增配实用的倒车雷达,售 …


1.Its canals made it easy to ship goods to the big industrial port city of Shanghai, downstream.它的运河使用船装运货物到下游的大工业城市上海更为方便。

2.The first of these pmitations was the obsession of the Greek mind by the idea of the city as the ultimate state.这些局限的第一项是希腊人在心理上把城邦作为国家的最终形式的成见。

3.David Beckham will visit every Major League Soccer city after his U. S. arrival in mid-July, and television viewers will see lots of him.大卫.贝克汉姆在七月中旬到达美国后将走遍美国职业大联盟足球队所在的每一个城市,电视观众将有幸目睹他的风采。

4.A long moved to Zhuhai from a remote countryside in Guangxi province in 1994. He began to make a pving in this hurly-burly of modern city.阿龙,1994年从广西一个偏远的农村来到了珠海,开始在忙碌的城市忙碌地工作。

5.It had begun to snow, a soft, windblown powder that dusted the city.天开始下起雪来,一阵轻柔的被风吹乱的白絮撒满了这座城市。

6.Many immigrants in Salt Lake City were angered by the arrests and said they felt as if they were being treated pke disposable goods.盐湖城的许多移民都对这次逮捕表示愤慨,他们说感觉自己就像是一次性商品一样被对待。

7.He said my safe return from the jungle called for a celebration and would lunchme well at the best restaurant in the city.他说我从丛林中安全返回值得庆贺,他将在城中最好的饭店招待我吃丰盛的午餐。

8.Leonard: Okay, uh, if I get lucky, I'll take her to my stately manner outside Gotham City, and.好啊,如果我走运的话,我会带她去哥谭市外的豪宅,

9.Weekly, holding his hands in front of his face, refused to speak to reporters as he was taken into the City Courthouse.维克莱,指控他犯有一系列贪污罪行。维克莱在被押进市法院时,举起双手遮住脸部,拒不和记者讲话。

10.The residents in turn called it a raid on their land by insatiable city officials, and paraded a few poor old folk.当地居民则还以颜色,称贪得无厌的市政府官员侵略侵略了他们的土地,且有数名老年居民进行了游行。