

random number

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n.1.a number in a series of numbers that have no pattern in their progression

1.随机数 ... Synchronization( 同步) 511 random-number随机数) 511 Synchronize( 同步) 515, 5…


1.Using a uniform random number generator produce a binary sequence information symbols, each bit of information to repeat Lc times.用一均匀随机数发生器产生某个二进制信息符号的序列,每个信息比特重复Lc次。

2.It varies by algorithm, but the length of the period is one of the key attributes of any good random number generator.根据算法不同而不一样,但是,变化周期时间是任何好的随机数生成器的一项关键属性。

3.The first pne of the output contains the random number of seconds selected for the sleep time, followed by the name of the script.输出的第一行包含随机选择的睡眠秒数,然后是脚本的名称。

4.When overridden in a derived class, creates an instance of the specified implementation of a cryptographic random number generator.在派生类中重写时,创建加密随机数生成器的指定实现的实例。

5.CwMtx has no built-in random number generator, and there is no class function that fills a matrix with random elements.CwMtx没有内置的随机数生成器,也没有用随机元素填充矩阵的类函数。

6.Do Your Research: One of the worst negotiating mistakes people make is picking a random number and then discovering it was way too low.做调查:人们在谈判中所犯的最糟糕的错误之一就是随便挑一个大概的数,接着就发现这个估计的值有些偏低。

7.A deterministic chaotic discrete time dynamical system can be used for random number generator (RNG).基于混沌的随机数发生器采用了离散时问的决定论混沌系统。

8.Each neuron of the transgenic mice switched on a random number of these colour genes.转基因小鼠的每个神经元随机激活不同数量的颜色基因。

9.The Java version of the Eight Ball is a random number generator that returns one of 20 strings at random, as shown in Listing 1.EightBall的Java版本是一个随机数生成器,随机返回20个字符串的其中之一,如清单1所示。

10.By combining the long period super-prime method with multippcative-congruent generator, it gets a new random number generating method.该算法将超素数长周期法与乘同余发生器相组合,产生了一种新型的随机数生成方法。