




1.下蛋 8. come from 生于,源于 9. laid eggs 下蛋,孵蛋 11. happen to sb. 某人发生了什么 …

2.孵蛋 8. come from 生于,源于 9. laid eggs 下蛋,孵蛋 11. happen to sb. 某人发生了什么 …


1.Mosquitoes were caught in field and dissected to count the ratio of those having laid eggs and the natural filarial infection rate.现场捕获吸血蚊虫解剖计算经产蚊比率和自然感染比率,并做血源鉴定;

2.In multiple choice tests adults only laid eggs on T. sebifera and when feeding strongly preferred T. sebifera over Phyllanthus urinaria.在选择性试验中相对叶下珠,成虫强烈偏爱取食乌桕,只在乌桕上产卵。

3.I am a long-eared owl. My mother laid eggs in an old nest in a hole in a tree. She sat on the eggs until we hatched.我是个长耳猫头鹰,我妈妈在树洞一个老的鸟巢中生蛋,她一直坐到蛋孵出我们为止。

4.The custom of an Easter egg hunt began because children bepeved that hares laid eggs in the grass.之所以有寻找复活彩蛋的习俗是因为小孩们以为野兔在草丛里下蛋。

5.They sporulated , the spores attract insects , the insects laid eggs, eggs became larvae .它们形成孢子,孢子吸引昆虫,昆虫产卵,卵变成幼虫。

6.Like modern turtles, it laid eggs by burying them in sandy beaches under cover of darkness.就像现代的海龟,它在黑暗的掩护下到沙滩上产卵并将卵掩埋。

7.Your mother laid eggs and wrapped them in a special silk pouch.你的妈妈产下卵后,用一个丝囊把卵包在一起。你就是其中之一。

8." If you please, " said Ann, " I have come for some new-laid eggs. "“对不起,”安说,“我来取点刚下的鸡蛋。”

9.Things happened to the day which was the peacock laid eggs' day.事也凑巧,这时正是孔雀抱蛋的日子。

10.Dinosaurs laid eggs pke birds do.恐龙像鸟一样下蛋。