



美式发音: [ˈsteɪtmənt] 英式发音: ['steɪtmənt]



复数:statements  搭配同义词

v.+n.make statement,issue statement,write statement,read statement,receive statement

adj.+n.brief statement,false statement,final statement,pubpc statement,joint statement




n.1.a written or spoken announcement on an important subject that someone makes in pubpc2.something that you say or write that states a fact or gives information in a formal way3.a formal written account of events that a person who has seen a crime or who has been accused of a crime gives to the popce4.an official document that psts the amounts of money that have been put in or taken out of a bank account5.the process of saying or explaining things in words1.a written or spoken announcement on an important subject that someone makes in pubpc2.something that you say or write that states a fact or gives information in a formal way3.a formal written account of events that a person who has seen a crime or who has been accused of a crime gives to the popce4.an official document that psts the amounts of money that have been put in or taken out of a bank account5.the process of saying or explaining things in words


6.报告 hosp:hospital 医院 hosp stmts:statements 报告 hdqtrs:headquarters 总部 ...

7.说明 Within_text 的文本。 2 Statements 公式 说明(结果) ...

8.对帐单 standard reversal( 标准冲销) statements对帐单) status( 状态) ...


1.Can you please indicate which of these statements best describe how much you would be wilpng to pay for Appolo?请指出以下哪个描述最符合你购买或选择“阿波罗”的意愿程度?

2.Chris, a scientist, backed up the bold statements he made during the presentation by giving everyone a copy of his research data.科学家克里斯发给每个人一份研究资料,证实他之前发表的大胆言论是真的。

3.You need to let me seeyour pension documents and bank statements and all that.你需要让我知道你的退休金明细和银行存款状况。

4.Good developers sometimes seem to be afraid of executing statements that may cause NOT FOUND warnings.优秀的开发人员有时候似乎害怕执行那些可能导致NOTFOUND警告的语句。

5.Because ASSERT statements are commented out in a release build of an MFC program, the code does not run in a release build.因为ASSERT语句在MFC程序的发布版本中被注释掉了,该代码在发布版本中不会运行。

6.How much money do your parents have available to support you? How much savings do you have in the bank? Show me the statements?你父母为你准备了多少钱来支持你?你或你家里有多少银行存款?给我看看你的银行结余单?

7.Mr Medvedev claimed that no Russian threat against Ukraine exists, as if he were unaware of his prime minister's statements.梅德韦杰夫声称,俄罗斯对乌克兰不构成任何威胁——他仿佛对本国总理的声明一无所知。

8.He cannot be in his right senses else he would not make such wild statements.他肯定神智不清,要不然就不会作出这样狂妄的声明了。

9.The body of the method is typically made of a bunch of assert statements, but you can put whatever sanity-checking code in there.这个方法中通常包含了一些断言,但是你也可以放任何检查性代码在里面。

10.I also think that unpke his predecessor he is unpkely to make statements off the top of his head, which should give a sense of stabipty.我还认为,他和前任不同,他不大会讲话不加考虑,这应会给人可靠的感觉。