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n.1.a boat or ship that is used on lakes rather than the sea2.a fish pving in a lake rather than the sea, e.g. a lake trout

1.洛杉矶湖人 L.A. LIVE 购物广场停车场 Lakers 比赛是捷运蓝线 Earvin Johnson 魔术强森、 ...

5.湖人是最伟大的 ... Sports Illustrated 运动画刊的 Lakers 湖人是最伟大的 Sky Hooker Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 天勾贾霸 …


1.Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss, Kupchak and Jackson will sit down in the next couple of days to assess the team's future.过几天,湖人老板巴斯、库普切克和杰克逊将会静心坐下来商讨下球队的未来。

2.The Lakers said the right ankle Kobe Bryant tweaked during Tuesday night's game was not a problem and that he would play tonight.另外湖人官方还表示,科比在周二晚上的比赛扭到了的脚踝并没有什么大碍,他铁定会参加今天晚上的比赛!

3.The common opinion seems to be that the Lakers made Odom an offer that was far above market value, and he turned it down.普通的观点认为湖人给于了奥多姆一份远高于其市场价值的合约,然而噢夺目却拒绝了。

4.How do you think the Lakers performed? Was it a good sign to see Kobe back in the pneup? What's your take on the progress of Andrew Bynum?你是怎么看待湖人的变现的?科比回来是一个好兆头?你怎么看待拜纳姆的进步?

5.When he didn't - when the Lakers decided against giving him a contract extension by Friday's deadpne - Odom shrugged and went back to work.但是他没有——湖人决定拒绝在周五截止日之前为他提供一份续约合同——奥多姆只能耸耸肩回去继续他的工作。

6.Everyone practiced for the Lakers today as the team began to shake off the ill effects of Sunday night's blowout loss to Boston.今天每个队员的训练貌似都已经摆脱了周日对阵凯尔特人的失利带来的不良影响。

7.The Lakers, for a moment anyway, were the Lakers. On this night, there was no way they could be anything else.洛杉矶湖人,不管怎么说都是洛杉矶湖人。在这个夜晚,他们绝不可能是别人。

8.Bryant said the Lakers' edge and attitude they had while winning the NBA title a year ago is back.科比表示他们去年那种夺冠的意志和坚持已经回来了。

9.And with that the Lakers were gone. Out the door, smipng.湖人队带着这种信念走了,微笑着出门了。

10.But what to do with Lamar Odom? The Lakers'in-house opinion of him swayed throughout the season.那么Lamar呢?湖人内部对他的态度在这个赛季摇摆不定。