


美式发音: [ˈleɪkˌsaɪd] 英式发音: ['leɪk.saɪd]




n.shore,waterside,water's edge,bank,land



1.湖边;湖岸;湖畔the area around the edge of a lake

We went for a walk by the lakeside.我们沿湖边散步。

a lakeside hotel湖边旅馆


n.1.the land that surrounds a lake

1.湖畔 娓娓道来 Calpng for Help 湖边 Lakeside 英雄末路 Hero's Downfall ...

4.湖边区 lakeshore 湖岸 lakeside 湖岸 lakh 紫胶 ...

6.湖畔区景不是金文泰,但是她现在也住在金文泰。先后在西海岸、裕廊湖畔区Lakeside)居住过,她指出金文泰有一个优点——半 …

7.湖畔站我们选择了到湖畔站Lakeside)的往返车票,凭优惠券每张票AUD32(原价AUD40,可刷卡),还可以免费拿到旅行指南和 …

8.在湖畔 前晚十时多,有网友提供线索,声称在湖畔Lakeside)组屋区附近看到鹤父,当时他身穿浅蓝T恤和米黄色长裤。但今早,鹤 …


1.Putin returned to the surface after four and a half hours looking a pttle groggy, according to witnesses at the lakeside.据岸上的目击者说,普京在潜水四个半小时后回到了地面上,过程中他看上去有些许脚步不稳。

2.One prime topic of their lakeside conversation back then: how much they dispked the unfolding chaos of Boris Yeltsin's Russia.他们的湖边谈话的一个主要议题是他们有多讨厌鲍里斯·叶利钦统治下俄罗斯不断蔓延的混乱状态。

3.I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from my place by the beach to her lakeside mountain home.我是想去,但从拉瓜纳开车到细头湖要两个小时。

4.I met a tortoise here. He looked wise. He told me that he was usually hanging about at the lakeside beyond this forest.我在那边遇见过一只乌龟,他看起来很博学的,他告诉我他经常在这片森林远处的湖边散步。

5."I'M A margin-of-error guy, " Jon Huntsman cheerfully admits to an audience of a few dozen at a grand lakeside home in New Hampshire.“我是民意调查报告中可忽略的误差值”乔恩•亨茨曼在新罕布什尔州的一座豪华湖边别墅的家里很高兴的对几十位听众的承认说。

6.That was the private Lakeside School, now known as the place where Bill Gates discovered computers.盖茨就读的是私立湖滨学校(privateLakesideSchool),这所学校现在因成为盖茨首次接触到计算机的地方而闻名于世。

7.At a nearby lakeside pub, moonshine is dispensed and a goat wanders nonchalantly among the drinkers.在附近的一家湖边酒馆,月光泄地,一只山羊在饮者中漠不关心地闲逛。

8.The meeting lasted about an hour, after which she was driven back to her lakeside residence.会谈持续了大约一个小时,之后她被送返她的湖边居所。

9.Interlaken is the cultural and social centre of the Bernese Oberland. This city has also developed into a world famous lakeside resort.因特拉肯是伯恩山地的文化和社会中心,这个城市已成为举世闻名的湖畔度假胜地。

10.The Lakeside naturally serves as a place for people to have a bit of walk, enjoying the fresh air at the same time.湖滨自然的成为人们休闲散步,同时呼吸新鲜空气的地方