


美式发音: 英式发音: [mə'rɪl]





1.梅里尔 =====伊莎贝拉 Isabela===== =====梅丽尔 Merrill===== =====芬里斯 Fenris==…

3.梅瑞尔府制度设计,支付了高昂的社会成本华尔街的成熟期n 美林帝国与美里尔Merrill)n 敬业精神:Professionapsm n 价值分析 …

6.梅里尔号 ... O'Brien 奥拜恩号 Merrill 梅里尔号 Briscoe 布里斯科号 ...

7.美林日本证券美林日本证券Merrill)首席经济学家Masayuki Kichikawa表示,日本加大宽松政策力度可能暂时形成双赢,因为欧洲银行业在 …


1.He would be responsible for planning and executing the merger of Merrill's banking and trading business with that of BofA.他将负责规划并执行美林与美国银行旗下银行和交易业务的合并。

2.But some colleagues at Merrill felt all this had gone to his head.但是,美林的一些同事认为,这一切冲昏了塞恩的头脑。

3.Gorman's supporters said he was unpopular with some Merrill brokers because he made tough decisions and didn't sugarcoat unflattering facts.戈尔曼的支持者说,他不受一些美林经纪人的欢迎是因为他作出了艰难的决定,也没有粉饰不好的事实。

4.By early summer, however, with Merrill's share price continuing to fall, there was no evidence of a turnaround.但到了夏初,美林股价持续下跌,却没有出现任何形势逆转的迹象。

5.One of the most stressful parts of my job as an analyst at Merrill Lynch, and now at Rose Park Advisors, is to meet with investors.我在美林证券里任分析师及最近在RosePark担任顾问时,工作中最令人紧张的部分当属于与投资者会面了。

6.That afternoon, Thain met Lewis ready to discuss the sale of a minority stake in Merrill Lynch.那天下午,塞恩会见了刘易斯,准备讨论将美林少数股权出售给美国银行的问题。

7.Merrill is said to have backed away after he asked questions that suggested he might be too intrusive.据说,在他问了一些表明他可能过于咄咄逼人的问题后,美林退出了接洽。

8.And let me just say this about derivatives: You may know I went on to work at Merrill Lynch. Derivatives ain't all they're cracked up to be.我在衍生品上就说一句话:你可能知道我后来去了美林(MerrillLynch)工作,衍生品完全不像人们说的那么好。

9.Asked why the bank did not use Merrill Lynch, the BofA spokesperson said: "We did it as a party to party transaction. "在被问及美银为什么不用美林的服务时,美银发言人说:“我们是按照卖家对买家的方式完成这宗交易的。”

10.Since the Bank of America-Merrill merger, the nonprofit now receives only one, smaller, check from Bank of America.自从美国银行-美林证券合并以来,这个非营利组织现在只收到一张来自美国银行数目较小的支票。