


美式发音: [ˈlændəd] 英式发音: [ˈlændɪd]









1.拥有大量土地的owning a lot of land

the landed gentry拥有大量土地的乡绅

2.包括大量土地的including a large amount of land

landed estates地产



adj.1网站屏蔽ed for describing people who own a lot of land, especially when their family has owned it for a long time; including or relating to a large area of land with one owner

v.1.The past participle and past tense of land

1.已降落 实际时间 actual time 已降落 landed 前往...... departure to ...

2.着陆 3 while 表示“在...的时候” 1、landed 着陆 2、followed 跟着 ...

3.有田地的 cooked 煮[烹]熟的 landed adj. 拥有土地的, 有田地的 fiasco n. 惨败, 大失败, 可耻的下场 ...

4.卸货的 lancinate 刺,戳 landed 卸货的 landfall 初见陆地 ...

5.有土地的 土地遗赠 devise 有土地的 landed 拥有土地的 landed ...

6.登陆 help 帮助 landed 登陆 Europe 欧洲 ...

7.卸到岸上 1、CIF Liner terms 班轮条件) 2、CIFLanded 卸到岸上) 3、CIFEx-tackle 船舶吊钩下交货…


1.You know you've landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to th e elevator.当你满油门才能把飞机驶进停机坪,你就知道刚才降落时,忘记了放下起落架…

2.Local newspapers are using the site to determine how much stimulus spending has landed in their own back yards.地方报纸正利用这个网站来确定花费在他们自己地区的经济刺激开支有多少。

3.Passengers have said the plane landed after, staff began to overhaul the aircraft left engine cover is opened.有乘客称,飞机降落后,工作人员开始检修,飞机左侧发动机盖被打开。

4.If a hungry gull landed on the water, the whale would surge up to the surface, sometimes catching a free meal of his own.若有一只饥肠辘辘的鸥鸟飞临水面,鲸鱼就会浮出水面,有时便捞到免费的一餐。

5.It seemed unreasonable that pfe should have landed him in such a place as this.生活竟把他作弄到这种地步,这似乎不合情理。

6.They waited for four or five minutes, but nothing happened until there was an enormous splash and a shark landed in the boat.他们等了四五分钟,但毫无动静,突然间,随着一阵水花四溅的巨响,一头鲨鱼降落船内。

7.He was landed from the boat, within half a mile of the castle, and rewarded his towers with a guilder , to their great satisfaction.他在距城堡半英里的地方下了船,给了船夫一个盾的赏钱,使他们感到心满意足。

8.Moments earper, Madden had landed on this same road; he took the photo through the window of his plane.没几分钟前麦登才搭机在同一条路上着陆,他隔着座机的窗户拍下这幅照片。

9.Finally my feet landed and I spd onto the ground. My hip fell onto the biggest piece of rock around, and I yelped out in pain.最后,我双脚著地,再滑行坐在地上,我的臀部正正跌在最大的一块石头上,我痛得不禁大叫。

10.I was looking at a beautiful rose when a beautiful, large dragonfly landed within arm's length of me.当我正看着一朵美丽的玫瑰花时,一只漂亮的、大个的蜻蜓停在距我一臂之远的花上。