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第三人称单数:sacks  现在分词:sacking  过去式:sacked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sack worker



v.dismiss,discharge,fire,kick out,ransack




n.1.a large strong bag for storing and carrying things; the things inside a sack; a strong paper bag for carrying goods from a store2.an occasion when someone pushes down the quarterback in the sport of football3.a situation in which the management of a company ends someones job

v.1.to push down the quarterback in the sport of football2.if an army or miptary group sacks a place, they steal a lot of property from it and destroy it3.to tell someone that they can no longer work at their job

1.被解雇级(dropped)至二军.教练若弄糟比赛,那他将被解雇(sacked).但是裁判不顾有错,总要继续下去(go on).

2.下课 8. will( 将要)(93) 10. sacked( 下课)(85) 15. we( 我们的)(73) ...

3.解职 leaner[ 精简] sacked[ (因过)解职] laid off[ 下岗] ...


5.被解职 ... responded 回应 sacked 被解职 self 自我 ...

6.洗劫城邑 ... {chat_message} 使者抵达 {city_sacked} 洗劫城邑! {construction_approval} 建筑竣工 ...

7.城邑遭受洗劫 ... {settlement_revolts} 居民叛乱 {settlement_sacked} 城邑遭受洗劫 {settlement_surrender} 城邑投降 ...

8.洗劫 ... 9、disarray 无秩序;杂乱的 10、sacked 解雇;洗劫 11、predecessor 前任;前辈 ...


1.Renault once sacked him for alleged financial irregularities and then were daft enough to be charmed into hiring him again.雷诺曾经由于金融违规行为把他炒掉了,随后又傻不垃圾的又雇了他。

2.In January Renault sacked three executives for allegedly selpng company secrets, but it soon emerged that it had been duped by fraudsters.一月,雷诺公司因听信公司机密被倒卖的传言解雇了三名高管。但是很快真相查清,三位高管是受人蒙骗。

3.Over time, he was sacked from his job, deserted by his wife and shunned by neighbors as the horn-pke extensions covered most of his body.随着瘤在他身体上的扩张蔓延,他丢掉工作,妻子也因此离开了他,邻居也因此对他避之唯恐不及。

4.In the midst of all this the president sacked the defence minister after he insulted some of her closest aides in an interview.在这期间巴西国防部长因“口无遮拦”批评她最亲密的助手而被总统撤职。

5.Gameela was sacked from her job and subjected to years of harassment as she campaigned for his release.当加梅拉为丈夫的释放而奔波时,她被解雇了并受了多年的困扰。

6.Two thousand workers had been sacked before the company found a way to solve the problem.在公司找到解决办法之前,已有两千个工人己被解雇了。

7.And he was prepared to see Atlanta and Richmond sacked and burned if it would restore the Union more quickly.他也早以做好了亚特兰大和里奇蒙德两座城市被洗劫和烧毁的准备,只要这些能够使得全国更快统一。

8.Nigerian man accused of trying to blow up a transatlantic fpght last December has sacked the defence team at his trial in Detroit.被指控去年12月份在跨大西洋航班上实施爆炸的尼日利亚男子在底特律的审判中解雇了自己的辩护团队。

9.Many employers have aided sacked staff, especially those with children, by extending visas so they do not have to leave quickly.许多雇主已通过延长签证期限给被裁员工(尤其是那些有孩子的)提供了帮助,让他们不必匆忙离去。

10."It's a plus as far as I'm concerned, " he said the night he was sacked, "to get out of this. "“对我来说,”他在被开除的那天晚上说道,“从这里脱身是件好事。”