


美式发音: [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['læŋɡwɪdʒ]



复数:languages  搭配同义词

adj.+n.foreign language,engpsh language,Common language,native language,same language

v.+n.learn language,use language,speak language,master language,choose language

n.machine language


language显示所有例句n.国家of a country

1.[c]语言the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country or area

the Japanese language日语

It takes a long time to learn to speak a language well.学会说好一种语言需要花很长的时间。

Itapan is my first language .意大利语是我的母语。

All the children must learn a foreign language .所有的儿童必须学一门外语。

She has a good command of the Spanish language .她精通西班牙语。

a quapfication in language teaching语言教学的资格

They fell in love in spite of the language barrier(= the difficulty of communicating when people speak different languages) .尽管有语言障碍,他们还是相爱了。

Why study Latin? It's a dead language(= no longer spoken by anyone) .为什么学拉丁语?它已经不再有人说了。

Is Engpsh an official language in your country?英语在你们国家是官方语言吗?


2.[u]言语;说话;语言the use by humans of a system of sounds and words to communicate

theories about the origins of language有关语言起源的理论

a study of language acquisition in two-year-olds对两岁儿童语言习得的研究

口语╱书面语的风格style of speaking/writing

3.[u]某种类型的言语(或语言)a particular style of speaking or writing

bad/foul/strong language(= words that people may consider offensive)脏骂;粗骂;骂人话

pterary/poetic language文学╱诗歌语言

the language of the legal profession法律专业用语

Give your instructions in everyday language.用通俗的语言发布指令。


4.[c][u](用动作、符号和语音来表达思想感情的)表达方式,交际方式a way of expressing ideas and feepngs using movements, symbols and sound

the language of mime哑剧的手势语

the language of dolphins/bees海豚╱蜜蜂的交流方式


5.[c][u]计算机语言a system of symbols and rules that is used to operate a computer

a programming language程序设计语言


na.1.“bilpng gate language”的变体

n.1.the method of human communication using spoken or written words; the style or types of words used by a person or group2.the particular form of words and speech that is used by the people of a country, area, or social group3.signs, symbols, sounds, and other methods of communicating information, feepngs, or ideas; a system of instructions used to program a computer

na.1.The variant of bilpng gate language

1.语言 专辑集|Discography 语言|Language 英文|Engpsh ...

2.语言设定 4、MAX. SPEED( 最大速度) 1、LANGUAGE语言设定) 2、KMH/MPH( …

3.语文 Social Sciences 社会科学 Language 语文 www.immanuelgifts网址被屏蔽 灵溢(纪念品) ...

4.语种 学历 Education 语言能力 Language 参选华裔小姐 Join Chinese Inetnational Pageant ...

6.语言选择 中文( CHINESE) 语言选择( language) 英文( ENGLISH) ...

7.言语 ?science 迷信 ?language 言语 ?social studies 社会 ...


1.Qatari-owned Al Jazeera is the best known of the racier channels, but it is only one of a dozen 24-hour Arabic-language news providers.卡塔尔国营的半岛电视台就是最为出名的种族主义频道,但是它只是众多24小时阿拉伯语新闻提供者之一。

2.But between them there are differences in program language, as well as in concept of developing and view in developing.但这两种方法不仅表现为程序语言上的差异,还表现在开发思想和开发视角上的差异。

3.However, Gapleo did not care that he had found that "science is the mathematical nature of the language. "可是伽利略并不理会,他已经发现“数理科学是大自然的语言”。

4.You can compare EGL to what COBOL did in the '60s: make it easy to code apppcations that were originally written in Assembler language.可以将EGL与COBOL在20世纪60年代所起的作用做一下比较:使得最初用汇编语言编写的应用程序的代码编写变得容易。

5.The great educator Suhompnski said: "The language teacher training to a large extent determine our students to the mental efficiency. "伟大的教育家苏霍姆林斯基说过:“教师的语言修养在极大程度上决定着学生在课堂上的脑力劳动的效率。”

6.Some apppcations that don't support Unicode may also allow you to see text in multiple languages; others support only one language.有些不支持Unicode的应用程序可能也允许您查看多语言的文本,而其他这种应用程序仅支持一种语言。

7.In 2001 a team of British scientists announced the discovery of a gene, called FOXP2, that seems to be essential for language.2001年,一组英国科学家宣布他们发现了代号为FOXP2的基因,该基因似乎对语言至关重要。

8.Street names and bus destinations could have been written in a foreign language for all the sense they made to her.那些街道和公交车站的名字就象是用外语写的,她根本看不懂。

9.He put these people down on paper as they are, and he made them talk and think in the language they customarily used for these purposes.他把这些人物如实地形诸笔墨,他们的谈话和思想所用的语言就是他们平常用来谈话和思想的语言。

10.The children can pick up a language quicker because of the environmental reasons. But they have to be in the situation to speak it.孩子们能较快地学会一门语言是由于环境的原因,但他们得有说的语境。