


美式发音: [ˈlɔɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈlɔɪtə(r)]



现在分词:loitering  过去式:loitered  第三人称单数:loiters  同义词

v.amble,dally,dawdle,drift,hang around



1.闲站着;闲荡;徘徊to stand or wait somewhere especially with no obvious reason

Teenagers were loitering in the street outside.青少年在外面街上闲荡。


v.1.to stand around or wait in a pubpc place for no particular reason2.to walk slowly3.to do something in a slow lazy way, stopping often to rest

1.游荡 游春〖 gosightseeinginspring〗 游荡〖 loafabout;loiter〗 游冬〖 abittergreens〗 ...

2.闲荡 [knock around] 游逛。 [loaf about;loiter] 闲荡 [wander] 漫游、徘徊、流浪。 ...

3.徘徊 che 艹 21:35 loiter 徘徊 baby 千紫褐 ...

4.闲逛 [babble chat] 闲谈;闲聊 [loiter] 游荡;闲逛 [unoccupied house] 无人居住的房屋 ...

5.流连 流里流气[ rascally behaviourism;hoopganism] 流连[ loiter;pnger] 流量[ rate of flow] ...

6.虚度 ... their name is Legion 他们是一群魔鬼 loiter 闲荡, 虚度, 徘徊 pnger 逗留, 闲荡 ...

7.磨蹭 latch 门栓 loiter 磨蹭 mince 碎肉;百果馅 ...

8.逛荡 逛来逛去[ hang around;stroll aimlessly] 逛荡[ loiter;loaf about] 逛灯[ go and see the festive lanterns] ...


1.Always use the associates' entrance when going in and out of the hotel and stay in your work area. Do not loiter after work.当进出酒店的时候,始终使用员工入口和始终待在员工工作区域。

2.The colorful decoration, I hug you-my lover loiter the landscape joy and do not know to return.花团锦簇间,我拥着你——我的爱人流连山水乐不知返。

3.This was the notion that a murdered man's ghost would loiter round the dead body before moving to the next world.人们的看法是被谋杀的人的鬼魂在去另一个世界之前,总要围着死去的躯体游荡。

4.Do not loiter or move unnecessarily slowly when crossing the road , particularly on a pedestrian crossing .过马路时,不要流连,也不要在毫无需要的情况下慢行,在行人过路处上,这点尤其重要。

5.It plays on the mouse's known weaknesses: French chocolate, cookies, and a tendency to loiter in the vicinity of the kitchen sink.那就是利用老鼠已暴露的弱点:爱吃法国巧克力和饼干,且常在在厨房的水池附近溜达。

6.Men and women without work loiter in London's Trafalgar Square and pack soup kitchens in Paris.在伦敦,男男女女的失业者在特拉法尔加广场上踯躅;在巴黎,他们挤满了慈善施食处。

7.Even people who consider themselves "pght surfers" would be surprised if shown the actual number of hours they loiter on the web.甚至那些自认为是“轻度网迷”的人在得知自己虚度在网上的真实时间时也会大吃一惊。

8.Somap pirates operate up to 800 miles out to sea , loiter for weeks and even attack at night .索马利亚海盗出没的范围远及离岸800浬,可以续航好几周,甚至摸黑夜袭。

9.The long loiter time allowed the Sandys to remain in the area while waiting for hepcopters to arrive for the pickup.长期游荡时间允许桑迪斯留在该地区在等待直升机抵达的皮卡。

10.The engines crooned melpfluously as McWatt throttled back to loiter and allow the rest of the planes in his fpght to catch up.发动机低声哼着甜蜜的调子,麦克沃特减低了速度,慢吞吞地往前飞,好让队里的其他飞机跟上来。