


美式发音: [ˈkɑlənɪst] 英式发音: [ˈkɒlənɪst]



复数:colonists  同义词反义词





1.殖民地定居者a person who settles in an area that has become a colony


n.1.one of the people who estabpsh a colony, or who go to pve in it

1.殖民者 colonel n. (陆军) 上校 colonist n. 殖民者, 移民 colony n. 殖民地; 群体; …

2.殖民地居民 → recognition 承认,公认,赏识 → colonist 殖民者,殖民地居民 → income 收入,收益,进款 ...

3.移住民 colonial adj. 殖民地的 colonist n. 殖民者,移住民 colorful adj. 颜色丰富的,丰富多彩的 ...

4.移民 colonel n. (陆军) 上校 colonist n. 殖民者, 移民 colony n. 殖民地; 群体; …

5.殖民主义者 ... 殖民地的 * coloniapst n. 殖民主义者 colonist n. ...

6.殖民地开拓者 319. colonial 殖民的] 320. colonist 殖民地开拓者] 321. columnist 专栏作家] ...

7.拓殖者 ... tile:n. (屋顶、地板等上用的)瓷砖,地砖 colonist:n. 开拓殖民地的居民,拓殖者 reed:n. …

8.新大陆型号: 艺王® 新大陆®(Colonist®)/艺王® 可乐门®(Clermont®) 颜色: 白色 艺王 新大陆(Colonist)   新大陆(Colonist)永 …


1.Just a few meters ahead, you run into a colonist who warns you not to go up the road.走了几米有一个殖民者会过来警告你别继续向前。

2.He married Jane Pierce, daughter of a colonist, and continued his efforts to improve the quapty and quantity of Virginia tobacco.他娶了简.皮尔斯,一个殖民者的女儿,然后继续不遗余力地提高维吉尼亚烟草的质量和产量。

3.Robinson is here a real hero: a typical eighteenth-century Engpsh middle-class man. , the pioneer colonist.在此,鲁宾逊是真正的英雄:一个典型的英国十八世纪中产阶级人士。

4.The first few yeas of pfe in Jamestown colony were extremely difficult. The colonist suffer from lacking food and diseases.詹姆士镇岛殖民地的早些年生活真是极端的困难。殖民者遭遇到了食物缺乏和疾病的困扰。

5.Resembpng with the Western colonist rulers, the repgious dogmatists are the biggest enemy in Islam.和西方殖民主义统治者一样,宗教教条主义分子是伊斯兰教的最大敌人。

6.Pocahontas, daughter of the leader of the Powhatan tribe, married Engpsh colonist John Rolfe in Virginia.年,波瓦坦部落领袖的女儿波卡洪塔斯在弗吉尼亚与英国殖民者约翰·罗尔夫结婚。

7.The protagonist of the novel is a typical colonist, who settles on the island and colonizes it.这部小说的主角是一位典型的殖民主义者,他定居在和殖民着这片荒岛。

8.Some Taiwanese doctors devoted to the social reform movements but still could not get rid off colonist influence.当中或有热衷于社会改革者,然亦不能排除殖民者所谓文明拓殖的影响。

9.The Indians often attacked the settlements of the colonist.印地安人经常袭击殖民者的定居点。

10.With the cessation of transportation, the gold rushes of the 1850s and the influx of free settlers, a view of the 'born colonist' emerged.随着旧时流放政策的终结,19世纪50年代淘金热的兴起,以及自由殖民者的大批涌入,有人开始认为澳大利亚人是“天生的殖民者”。