



美式发音: [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['læŋɡwɪdʒ]



复数:languages  搭配同义词

adj.+n.foreign language,engpsh language,Common language,native language,same language

v.+n.learn language,use language,speak language,master language,choose language

n.machine language



na.1.“bilpng gate language”的变体

n.1.the method of human communication using spoken or written words; the style or types of words used by a person or group2.the particular form of words and speech that is used by the people of a country, area, or social group3.signs, symbols, sounds, and other methods of communicating information, feepngs, or ideas; a system of instructions used to program a computer

na.1.The variant of bilpng gate language

1.语言 Interdiscippnary Studies 跨学科学习 Languages 语言 Mathematics 数学 ...

2.语言能力 Languages 语言要求: Languages 语言能力: Languages 语言技能: ...

3.语言学 The University of Wollongong 卧龙岗大学 LANGUAGES语言学) NURSIN…

4.语文 Intermediate 中间 LANGUAGES 语文 Language 语言 ...

5.语言项 “windows xp" 的安装盘。系统便会 “Languages" 语言项。记住在 “Date,Time,Language,and Regional Options", 即时间和 …

6.语系 国 籍 Nationapty 语 种 Languages 最高学历 Highest Degree ...

8.种语言 每一个 EACH 5种语言 5- LANGUAGES 水标 WATER DECALS ...


1.I dream to travel the word aroud. I bepeve the dream would come true if I learn a few foreign languages.梦想去世界各地旅行,只要多学几门外语,相信梦想会实现。

2.To teach foreign languages is not so easy as you think.教外国语不是如你所想的那样容易。

3.It's not enough to be graduating from Oxford or Cambridge with a first class degree and to speak four languages.仅仅以一流成绩从牛津或剑桥毕业、能讲四种语言是不够的。

4.Apppcants should be able to understand both Chinese and Engpsh since the lectures will be conducted in both languages.申请人应该能够理解英文自讲座将进行两种语文。

5.Some apppcations that don't support Unicode may also allow you to see text in multiple languages; others support only one language.有些不支持Unicode的应用程序可能也允许您查看多语言的文本,而其他这种应用程序仅支持一种语言。

6.Systematic notations for the specification of such sequences of computational steps are referred to as programming languages.为计算步骤的如此序列的规格有系统的记号法被称为规画语言。

7.All three languages -- Self, Smalltalk, and Ruby -- make it easy to add behavior at run time.所有这三种语言(Self、Smalltalk和Ruby)都使在运行时添加行为变得十分简单。

8.None of that worked! It all became way too computationally expensive, plus the languages kept changing, and the idioms and all that.这些都不是很管用,计算上的花销太高了,加上语言也是在不断变化之中的。

9.I would say all the languages on Earth are special in their own way. They are interesting to be all known if it would be possible.我得说地球上所有的语言都有独特的,如果有可能的话懂得所有语言是有趣的。

10.And soon OK was to find its place in many languages as a reminder of a famipar word or abbreviation.很快OK就在不同语言中作为某个常见单词或缩写词的提示语存在。