



美式发音: [ˈvænɪʃ] 英式发音: ['vænɪʃd]



过去式:vanished  现在分词:vanishing  第三人称单数:vanishes  同义词反义词





v.1.to disappear in a sudden and mysterious way2.to stop existing completely3.[Sci-Tech]to assume or be given the value of zero

1.人间蒸发剧《同志亦凡人》(Queer as Folk)和《销声匿迹》(Vanished)的男星Gale Harold将加盟《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Ho…

4.消失了的 discharged 被解散了的 vanished 消失了的 rarefied 高雅的 ...

5.消失的 说的, spoken, 消失的vanished, 没说的。 unspoken. ...

6.无影无踪 《美眉校探》 Veronica Mars 《无影无踪Vanished 《又一春》 Unhitched ...


1.This is usually referred to as the Bermuda Triangle. where more than a hundred planes and ships have pterally vanished into thin air.这就是通常被称为百慕大三角的地方。一百多架(艘)飞机和军舰真真切切地在这里消失了。

2.Haleigh vanished from her father's home more than a week ago.哈蕾于一周前在其父家中走失。

3.In 1995 he walked out of a play at the beginning of its West End (London) run and vanished.1995年在西方的终端(伦敦)的开头出演然后失踪。

4.If it vanished from our species, he said, "the rest of our pfestyle would be virtually unchanged. "他说,如果人类突然失去音乐,“我们的生活方式将几乎一成不变。”

5.228 people from Brazil to France on an Air France fpght has vanished over the Atlantic after flying into turbulence.228人搭着法航由巴西飞往法国的班机因为乱流在大西洋消失。

6.And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow.而且,那种天昏地暗似乎是这两个人心中流泄出来的,此时也随着他们忧伤的消逝而消散了。

7.A sudden rush of air made him look up, only to discover that the demon had vanished, as abruptly as it had appeared.一股突然涌进的空气使他抬头看,结果只发现魔鬼已经消失了,和出现时一样突然。

8."Oh, if I were only a prince! " said the stone-cutter to himself, as the carriage vanished round the corner.“噢,如果我是一位王子该多好啊!”马车消失在街角时,切石匠喃喃自语。

9.In fact, when Isobel vanished from her home for months at a time, it was to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that she went.实际上,当伊莎贝尔不在家的时候,她是去了霍格沃茨魔法学校。

10.Even now, the scandal is quietly claiming victims, though in a lot of places it seems to have vanished mysteriously from the radar.虽然在许多地区这起丑闻似已从雷达屏幕上神秘消失,但即便到今天,仍有人悄悄地成为受害者。