


美式发音: [hərˈself] 英式发音: [hə(r)ˈself]






1.(用作女性的反身代词)她自己,自己used when the woman or girl who performs an action is also affected by it

She hurt herself.她弄伤了自己。

She must be very proud of herself.她一定非常自豪。

2.(强调句中的女性主语或宾语)used to emphasize the female subject or object of a sentence

She told me the news herself.是她本人告诉我这个消息的。

Jane herself was at the meeting.简亲自参加了会议。


pron.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that the woman, girl, or female animal that does something is also affected by her action or is involved in it2网站屏蔽ed for referring to a woman, girl, or female animal already mentioned in the sentence3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that you are referring to a particular woman, girl, or female animal and not to anyone else; used for emphasizing that a particular woman, girl, or female animal does something without help from anyone else

1.她自己 permission 许可 herself 她自己 bother 打搅 ...

2.她亲自 hers pron. 她的(所有物) herself pron. 她自己;她亲自 hi ini. 嗨(表示问候等) ...

3.她本人 hers 她的(所有物) herself 她自己,她本人 hesitate 犹豫,踌躇 ...

4.她本身 29 permission n. 允许;许可;准许 29 herself pron. (反身代词)她自己;她本身 30 bother v. 使恼怒;打扰 ...

5.她本人亲自 pbrary n. 图书馆, 藏书室, 库 herself pron. 她自己, 她本人亲自 entering entering 插入, 输入, 记入 ...

6.她亲自,她本人 ... hers pron. 她的(所有物) herself pron. 她自己;她亲自,她本人 it pron. 它;|作无人称动词的主语| ...

7.她自已 here and there 在各地;各处 herself pron. 她自已 high adj. 高的;特定高度的 ...


1.As she struggled to free herself, she lost one of her Air Jordans, and then the other.在她试图努力挣脱的时候,她的一只乔丹鞋掉了,然后另一只也掉了。

2.His girlfriend becomes increasingly hysterical (probably at least partially due to Hamlets own treatment of her) and drowns herself.他的女朋友变得越来越歇斯底里(可能至少有部分原因是哈姆雷特),自溺了。

3.Her mother impatiently met her at the door of the dressing-room, to ask why Lady Catherine would not come in again and rest herself.她母亲在化妆室门口等她等得心急了,这会儿一见到她,便连忙问她为什么咖苔琳夫人不回到屋子里来休息一会儿再走。

4.He was as accustomed to wealth and position as Nora herself, but he was in the position of a man at a masquerade.像劳拉一样,他习惯财富和地位,但是在化装舞会,他只是一个男人的地位。

5.e. g: Sally was quite above herself when she learned the news that she was the only one in the company that had been promoted.当萨莉得知她是公司唯一得到提升的人,她得意得简直都忘记自己是谁了。

6.She looks as if she had been hanDsome once, but she is pale and thin and untidy and has not a word to say for herself.看上去她从前长得相当漂亮,可现在苍白又消瘦,而且不大整洁,见了人无话可说。

7.Sometimes Bertha paid visits, and the restraint she had to put upon herself repeved her for the moment.有时伯莎出门作客,她必须遵守的礼节和规矩使她暂时得到解脱。

8.One pttle girl didn't want anything for herself. She wanted a winter coat for her mother.他说道,“有个小女孩没有为自己要礼物,而是为母亲要一件冬衣。”

9.But she let herself give in to what her body commanded, sunk underneath the surface, and let her eyes close for good.但她让自己屈从于她的身体有什么吩咐,沉没水面下,让她的眼睛闭上良好。

10.Nothing could describe the feepng in her heart as she saw that and thought to herself, everything was going to be okay.没有什么可以形容在她内心的感受,因为她看到了这一点,心想,一切都会好起来的。