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1.And later he said to me. "Your handshake *came over the lastest distance in the world - twenty-five years of no communication. "后来周总理对我说:“你的伸手相握跨越了世界上最遥远的距离跨越了长达二十五年的断绝往来。”

2.One of the big tasks in the lastest X release has been a complete rework of the X build system.最近的X发布的一项重要任务就是完全重写X构建系统。

3.The city dweller never experiences anxieties of this sort. The lastest exhibitions, films, or plays are only a short bus ride away.城里人从来没有这种体验。坐公共汽车几站路,就可看到最新的展览,电影,戏剧。

4.Vacuum low temperature drying technology is a lastest technique and is widely used in recent years .真空低温干燥技术是近年来被广泛应用的一项新技术。

5.The more upscale is a lastest month of every year 30 can also swarm about with many fairies by the God hall.比较高档的是每年的腊月三十还可以上天堂与众仙云集。

6.He used the lastest ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books.在他的书中他用了他所处年代最新的思想和发明。

7.The lastest surveys show that quiet a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.最近调查显示,相当多的儿童都不喜欢家庭作业。

8.I read a very interesting article in the latest version of the Economist, discussing the lastest changes to marriage.我读了一个很有趣的文章最新版本的《经济学人》的最新变化,讨论到婚姻。

9.Happily, thanks to lastest technology, we are able to easily transform browserapppcation into truly native one.幸运的是,感谢最新的技术,我们可以很方便的将网页应用转换为真正的本地应用。

10.This paper is intending to introduce the lastest research development and achievement in biocontrol of whitefly with entomogenous fungus.本文综述了近几年国内外有关虫生真菌在控制粉虱类害虫中的应用研究。