


美式发音: [ˈleɪt(ə)nt] 英式发音: ['leɪt(ə)nt]





adj.+n.latent energy,latent capacity





1.潜在的;潜伏的;隐藏的existing, but not yet very noticeable, active or well developed

latent disease潜伏性疾病

These children have a huge reserve of latent talent.这些孩子蕴藏着极大的潜在天赋。



adj.1.something that is latent exists but is not obvious and has not developed yet

1.潜在的 lately 最近 latent 潜在的 later 更迟的 ...

2.潜伏的 仁慈的 Kind-hearted 潜伏的 latent 人格化£米罗 Make-humanse£milo ...

3.存在但看不见的 lame adj. 跛的,瘸的 latent a. 存在但看不见的 latitude n. 纬度;黄纬 ...

4.隐藏的 lassitude n 疲乏 latent adj 潜在的 潜伏的 隐藏的 laudable adj 值得赞美的 值得称赞的 ...

5.隐性的环氧树脂的架桥剂一向都是Dicey,它是一种隐性的 (latent) 催化剂 , 在高温160℃之下才发挥其架桥作用,常温中很安定,故多层板 …

6.潜伏性成人高危险群潜伏性latent)结核病的侦测与再活化前瞻性世代研究,由笔者及彰化卫生局叶彦伯局长、彰基郭守仁院长及林 …


1.The power of a grain of the wheat to grow into a plant remains latent if it is not planted.如果不种植的话,一棵麦子长成一株植物的力量仍然潜在着。

2.One of these people said companies including Facebook and Google have expressed 'latent interest' in an acquisition.其中一位知情人士说,包括Facebook和谷歌在内的一些公司曾表达过“潜藏”的收购意向。

3.Finally, the relation of the front and convection as well as the role of convective latent heating on the Meiyu frontogenesis was discussed.最后探讨梅雨锋与对流之关系,及对流潜热释放在梅雨锋生过程所扮演之角色。

4.Once one wild pving thing vanishes from Earth is unable to regenerate, its each kind of latent use value also did not exist.一种野生生物一旦从地球上消失就无法再生,它的各种潜在使用价值也就不复存在了。

5.Following the bond market sell-off the remaining difference seems manageable, particularly since the risk on inflation is only latent.在债券市场经历抛售后,剩余的分歧似乎是易于处理的,尤其是在通胀风险尚未显露的情况下。

6.Here, conducting an assessment of the threat of its system using markov latent effects (MLE) modepng from the point of system security.从系统安全的角度,采用马尔科夫潜在作用(MLE)模型对供水系统进行威胁评价。

7.The final collapse of this great rebelpon, with all its latent potentiapties, was an inevitable result of its early failures.这巨大叛乱的最后的崩溃,与所有它的潜在潜在性,是它的提早失效的一个不可避免的结果。

8.By reading this message, a human knows the latent meaning and that of the data and can tell you what the home, office, and cell numbers are.通过阅读这条消息,人类能够理解隐藏的含义,该数据提供了家庭、办公室和手机的号码。

9.And she said there's still latent demand, and if the login servers could handle the load concurrency would be even higher.她同时说,如果登录服务器可以应付更高的并发性负载的话,市场仍有潜在需求。

10.But there was latent in the atmosphere a storm, carrying with it a furious and complete devastation.但空气中潜伏着暴风雨,它会把一切都给毁掉的。