


美式发音: [ˈlɔrəns] 英式发音: [ˈlɔrəns]





1.劳伦斯 赫拉亚- -----Heraya 箩伦诗- ----Laurence 伊嘉族- -----Inkatsu ...

3.月桂树 Latimer 口译者 Laurence 月桂树 Lawler 低语者 ...

4.劳伦斯尔 laurelled 戴桂冠的 Laurence 男子名 Laurentian 劳伦系 ...

6.洛伦斯 * ~ ♡ SzE 的情感世界 ♡ ~ * LAURENCE 洛伦斯 TaRtPrInCe 蛋挞飨宴!! ...

7.闪烁景 laundryman 洗衣工 laurence 闪烁景 Lautovick power track 劳拖威克动力轨道 ...


1.The U. S. economy is in what former Federal Reserve governor Laurence Meyer describes as a 'danger zone, ' close to if not in recession.美国经济所处的境地被Fed前理事劳伦斯•迈耶(LaurenceMeyer)称为“危险地带”,如果不是已经陷入衰退、那也是离之不远。

2."sobbing and crying, and wringing her hands as if her heart would break" (Laurence Sterne).“啜泣着并叫喊着,紧握着双手,她的心好象马上就会破碎似的”(劳伦斯·斯特恩)。

3.Laurence hooked up a big fish with the crooked end of his cane and held it out to her.正当那女人要在失望中饿着肚子离开时,劳伦斯先生用他的拐杖钩起了条大鱼递给她。

4.Laurence Parisot, head of Medef, said the three federations were "quite clear" about the need for a more united Europe.Medef主席劳伦斯•派瑞索(LaurenceParisot)表示,三家联合会“非常清楚”欧洲进一步增进团结的必要。

5.Laurence refuses to read reports from his product managers with more than five of the vital key performance indicators on them.如果产品经理报表的关键性能指标超过5个劳伦斯就会拒绝阅读。

6.Laurence took over a company widely seen as stagnating in third place in the UK's competitive mobile market.劳伦斯接手沃达丰时,这家公司被广泛视为在英国的移动市场第三的位置上停滞不前。

7.The meeting lasted so long that Mr. Laurence had to excuse himself to keep an appointment .会开了好久,因此劳伦斯为了赶另一个约会,不得不请求先行离去。

8.Laurence Becker from Oregon State University says after gaining independence, African nations tried to help farmers.俄勒冈州州立大学的LaurenceBecker表示,获得独立后,非洲国家试图帮助农民。

9.LAURENCE: You've got to keep it interesting in every way, because anything can become stale.Laurence:你必须使它在任何方面都是有趣的,因为任何事都会过时。

10.LAUREN: Laurence used to read the news on one of the really popular radio stations in South Africa.LAUREN:Laurence过去常常在当时南非一个相当流行的广播电台的播新闻。