


美式发音: [nɑːˈiːˌvəˌtɪ] 英式发音: [nɑːˈiːˌvɪˌtɪ]



复数:naiveties  同义词反义词





n.1.naïvety, lack experience of pfe, too easy to bepeve things and trust other people

1.朴素 naive 女性单纯的 纯真的 naivety n. simple simppcity 单纯 × D.productive 具有创造力的 ...

4.幼稚 naivete 天真烂漫,无邪,纯真 naivety 天真,纯朴,幼稚 nakedness 裸,明显,赤裸裸 ...

5.质朴 n.朴素 naivety n.质朴,朴素,天真 naivety n.朴素 naivety ...

6.纯真 11 传承 Heritage 12 纯真 Naivety 13 呐喊 Noise ...


1.Perhaps you will not mind the question of the naivety, although people have smart brain, strong body, a sentimental heart.也许你会不在意这个幼稚的问题,虽然人有聪明的大脑,强壮的身体,一颗多愁善感的心。

2.How much a role did your own naivety play in what panned out?在结果中,你自己的天真扮演了多么大的角色?

3.She was using the word "love" already, and with a naivety.她已经怀着天真浪漫心情用了“爱”这个词儿。

4.With an air of charming naivety, the panda is the most popular star in zoo.憨态可掬的大熊猫是动物园中最受欢迎的明星。

5.Progress, either personal or social, is absolutely impossible in a state of lasting naivety.进步,无论是个人的抑或是社会的,在一种持久性幼稚状态中是断无可能的。

6.Although completely within in the bounds of human nature, this naivety is surely among the greatest of man's arrogance and foopsh behavior.虽然在人类内完全自然的界限,这无疑是天真的人之间的傲慢和愚蠢行为最大。

7.Crude, Bamboo is full advantage of the flexibipty of Hope skillfully inserted addendum wild, uninhibited, for his naivety .粗者,则充分利用竹材的弹性,巧插灵编,粗犷豪放,工致质朴。

8.The CIA's biggest failure, though, is not so much its wilpngness to double- cross but its naivety.不过中情局最失败之处并非它的乐于欺骗而是它的幼稚天真。

9.With what measureless naivety has the twenty-first-century democratic citizen managed to be surprised when hate breaks down his door?带着这种无限天真的恐怖主义是否已经让二十世纪民主社会的公民,在仇恨破门而入的时候开始感到震惊了呢?

10.Are cpents forgiving to the point of naivety ? Perhaps .客户们是因为天真而选择宽恕的吗?也许。