




1.谁在乎 (genitapa, 生殖器) (who care谁在乎) (who want a hooker, 谁想要个鸡啊) ...

2.谁关心 ... 学会关心 Learning to Care;Learning to Concern 谁关心 Who care 环境关心 Environmental Conc…

3.让在乎的人在乎去吧 我在乎的是你的人1. i care you,the man 让在乎的人在乎去吧1. WHO CARE ...

4.谁在意 ... 谁在意 Who care 知识产权的乐观情绪, educational and outreach programs ...

5.才不在意 let the nature take care of it 顺其自然 who care 才不在意 take care of 照顾 ...


1.Now, it's possible that those of us who care about this issue are reading too much into the administration's silence .现在我们种那些关心这个问题的人可能过度揣测政府对此的沉默了。

2.Hanging The Four-Way Test on the wall for all to see sends a clear message: Rotarians are people of integrity who care.把「四大考验」悬挂在墙壁上让大家都看得到,此举发出一个明确的讯息:扶轮社员是在乎道德的正人君子。

3.In my heart, I still know someone who care about me at least, but I scary. I scary , if you take away with me how can I do.在我的心里,我知道至少有人会关心我,但是我害怕,害怕你离开了我,我该怎么办。

4.I write down this title to tell myself "Happy Birthday! " And let those who care about me know what I feel now! Thank you!我写下这个题目,是要告诉自己:生日快乐!也让关心我的亲朋好友知道,我现在的心情!谢谢大家!

5.Think about how lucky you are to have what you have, to have the people in your pfe who care about you, to be apve at all.想想拥有这些东西,这些在你生活当中关心你的人,你还活着,你是多么的幸运。

6.Counting the second till the next day, let a candle shine bright in my soul. To myself: Happy birthday, and appreciate those who care me.等待明天的到来;再为自己心灵点上一根蜡烛.悄悄的和自己声:生日快乐,感谢关心我的人

7.Rich-nation taxpayers who care about the world's poor ought to ask if they still get their money's worth from the World Bank.富裕国家关心世界穷人的纳税人应该询问花在世界银行的钱是否仍然值得。

8.And those of us who care enough, We have to do something. . . (Chorus) Oh. . . oh What you gonna do about me?而我们这些人关心不够,我们必须做些什么…(合唱)哦…哦你该怎么办关于我?

9.This may not work as well for teenagers, who care mostly about whether they have as much stuff as their friends.当然,这种方式对青少年就不会那么有效了,毕竟他们大都希望自己所拥有的能和朋友们一样多。

10.It also knows that the Communist Party is perceived as being riddled with out-of-touch officials who care only about pning their pockets.他们也知道,共产党已经被视为充满那些脱离现实的官员的组织,这些人唯一关心的事情是自己的钱包。