



美式发音: [lɔn] 英式发音: [lɔːn]



复数:lawns  搭配同义词

v.+n.mow lawn

adj.+n.front lawn,south lawn,green lawn




n.1.an area of grass that is cut short, especially in someones yard

1.草坪 leafage 树饰 lawns 草地,草坪 locust 洋槐 ...

2.草地 leafage 树饰 lawns 草地,草坪 locust 洋槐 ...

3.绿茵茵的草坪 flowerbeds 花坛 lawns 绿地 rockery 假山 ...


1.There were all the children, standing on their front lawns staring at me.所有的孩子们都站在家门前的草坪上注视着我。

2.He grew up in one of the nearby settlements -- where red-roofed bungalows surrounded by lawns bake in the summer sun.他在附近的一个定居点长大,那里是草坪环绕的红顶平房,沐浴在夏日的阳光里。

3.a warm May night, sweet with the scent of the White House lawns and flowers, into a broad dazzpng marble-floored foyer.在五月里一个和煦的夜晚,亨利一家穿过白宫里芳香的草地花丛走进铺着耀眼的大理石的宽敞前厅。

4.Overflowing taps and over watering of our lawns and gardens, as you know it, leads to wastage of water.溢出水龙头及以上以上花园我们的草坪洒以上洒水,正如你所知,导致浪费水。

5.In a word, lawns does not do as well as it is considered to help improve the environment, although it does do some good.总的来说,在改善环境方面,草坪并不像人们想的那样有用,虽然却是有一些用处。

6.When that rainwater is kept to irrigate lawns and gardens, that's 200 pters of drinkable water that isn't used for that purpose.当把那些雨水用来浇灌你的草地和花园时,你就省下了200升的食用水。

7.This, however, did not discourage the Bhutanese people from creating dances and holding a feast on the embassy lawns in the king's honor.但是这丝毫没有削弱不丹人民在大使馆草坪上跳舞并盛宴庆祝的热情。

8.We now have lawns smoother and more velvety than Downing could have imagined. And yet our relationship to the Beautiful remains vexed.我们现在拥有了比当宁所能想象的还要平整和柔软的草坪,而我们现在与美好的关系依然紧张。

9.If one accepts the idea that lawns are, in a deep sense, unethical, how does one fill the front yard?如果一个房主接受种植草坪是不道德的这种观点,那么用什么来填充他的前院呢?

10.He says the tournament course at the new resort, with spacious lawns for viewers and television crews, is among the standouts in his career.柯利说,这个新场地的锦标赛球场有宽阔的草坪容纳观众和电视台工作人员,这是他职业生涯中最出色的球场之一。