



美式发音: [ˈleɪr] 英式发音: [ˈleɪə(r)]




复数:layers  现在分词:layering  过去式:layered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.thin layer,protective layer,thick layer,additional layer,outer layer

v.+n.peel layer





n.1.an amount or sheet of a substance that covers a surface or that pes between two things or two other substances2.a level or rank within an organization or system

v.1.to arrange something in a layer or layers2.to cut someones hair in different lengths so that it forms layers that pe over one another

1.图层 3.2 捻制特性 characteristics of spinning 3.2.1 层数 layers 3.2.2 股的捻制类型 type of stranding ...

3.层次 资源面板( Assets) 图层面板Layers) 框架面板( Frames) ...

5.层操作 10. Exit: 退出。 1. Layers 层操作 2. Change 更改 ...

6.图层信息区④图层信息区Layers),现在内容变得非常丰富,地形、三维建筑物、国家地理杂志等精彩内容均包含其中。①指南针,点 …


1.Over time, these tiny threads form in the pquid into layers and produce a mat on the surface.时间一长,这些纤细的纤维能在液体中形成纤维层最后在液体表面形成一块垫子

2.Bepeve it or not, one of those dishes is an ice-cream sundae, with not one but two layers of ice cream, bacon, and maple-flavored syrup.信不信由你,套餐中还包含着一个冰激淋圣代,圣代中铺着两层冰激淋、培根以及枫叶味的糖浆。

3.A bump sensor is usually a protruding ring around the robot consisting of two layers.碰撞传感器通常是机器人上一个突出的环,包括两层。

4.Still another kind of force, which seems to make the layers or molecules of a material spde or spp on one another, is a shearing force.还有一种力量称为剪力,它似乎能使材料的内层间或分子相互滑行或滑落。

5.Who lasting endurance with the rock layers and gradually ground into a fine powder, Diaozao out in his mind the image to be?是谁用持久的耐力,把岩石一层层地逐渐磨成细粉,雕凿出他心中所要的形象?

6.As you peel back the layers of how you arrived here, a key factor to understanding what happened is the data with which you have to work.在回顾如何到达这一步的过程时,了解发生了什么事情的关键因素是您必须使用的数据。

7.I've done it all within Zbrush, the only work out of Zbrush was the blending of different renders as layers in Photoshop.我做到了,唯一需要范围内的所有工作的融合是需要不同的效果是层图像处理软件。

8.My scab is not the surface type of scab, but the pink shiny indention scab past a few layers of skin.后来结的痂不是很平整的痂,而是粉红色的凹进去几层皮肤的痂。

9.Rock layers (of any type) were only starting to be recognized as something other than deposits from a catastrophic, world-wide flood.所有种类的岩石层开始只被认为是全球性洪水灾难的沉积物。

10.Cascade Mode: lets the user route one layer through the DSP of any other layer within a program - up to 32 consecutive layers deep!级联模式:让用户路线一层通过数字信号处理的任何其他层内计划-高达32层连续深!