


美式发音: [riˈsaɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [riːˈsaɪk(ə)l]



第三人称单数:recycles  现在分词:recycpng  过去式:recycled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.recycle rubbish,recycle fiber,recycle container

v.throw away




1.~ sth回收利用;再利用to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again

Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.丹麦的纸张回收率接近 85%。

recycled paper再生纸

2.~ sth再次应用,重新使用(概念、方法、玩笑等)to use the same ideas, methods, jokes, etc. again

He recycled all his old jokes.他把那些老掉牙的笑话又说了一遍。


v.1.to change waste materials such as newspapers and bottles so that they can be used again2.to use something again, often for a different purpose

1.回收、 品反复多次使用(reuse)、以及 再利用(recycle)的3R原 ,最 达 到经 济 发 展与 境的和 。 3、城市科技的 新 城市是人类

5.再生再生(recycle)缓冲池 (数据一旦用毕后就被换出内存中。BUFFER_POOL_RECYCLE指定大小) 默认(default)缓冲池 (数据使 …

6.循环再生4.材料可循环再生Recycle) 是指对使用过的包装制品进行回收和再加工,使其被用于不同领域。 5.拒绝使用非生态材料…

7.循环再造而循环再造(recycle),也能减少堆填区的废物,及因此产生的温室气体。我们生活中,我们应该尽量多的挖掘可以重复利用的东 …


1.By the next year, the management of the factory plans to increase the production capacity and recycle up to 5000 tons of tires per year.在未来的一年中,工厂的管理层计划增加产量并且计划每年回收再利用5000吨的轮胎。

2.If your hotel doesn't recycle, consider taking your empty bottles or other items home with you to recycle them there.如果酒店没有循环使用的垃圾处理方法,请考虑把空瓶子或者其他物品带回家做循环垃圾处理。

3.At this point everything is ready to recycle the TM1 server and activate the LDAP authentication.现在,一切就绪了,可以重新启动TM1服务器并激活LDAP身份验证。

4.Aluminum shavings sound pke something that might be easy to recycle but they aren't.铝的刨花听起来像是一些可以很容易被重复使用的物质,然而不是这样的。

5.Can you think of any other ways to reuse and recycle marketing material for better campaigns?那么你是否还想到其他办法,可以重新利用,再应用营销旧材料来做个更棒的营销、促销活动的呢?

6.The collar is environmental friendly and easy to recycle, therefore the disposal cost can be changed into profit.衣领是环境友好,易于回收,因此处置费用可分为盈利改变。

7.Sensitive to the mood of her subjects, she had decided not to lash out on any new frocks, but to recycle the old ones.考虑到国民情绪,女皇决定不再对新款式服装一掷千金,而是穿以前穿过的衣服。

8.The recycle time of the authentication key is at least one-third, and not more than one-half, that of the cookie time-out value.身份验证密钥的再循环时间至少是Cookie超时值的三分之一,并且不得超过一半。

9.CARBONITE has been used to recycle Au element in waste water for an electronic company in Ningbo.本产品已应用于宁波某电子公司含金废水的处理及金离子回收。

10.Reduce Reuse Recycle is all very well, but still the garbage is pipng up in landfills.减少,回收,再利用的政策虽然有效果,但是垃圾场的垃圾还是堆积如山。