



美式发音: [ˈleɪzi] 英式发音: ['leɪzi]



比较级:lazier  最高级:laziest  同义词反义词





adj.1.not wilpng to work or do any activity that needs effort2.spent relaxing and not involving any activity that needs effort; a lazy movement or smile is slow and relaxed

1.最懒惰的 A & B:lazy 懒惰的 A & B:laziest 最懒惰的 A & B:person 人 ...

2.最懒的 4.better 更喜欢 1.laziest 最懒的 3.Both 两个 ...


1.And the potato does seem to be the laziest of vegetables.是哦,土豆可能是最“懒惰”的蔬菜了。

2.For the laziest of admins, complete idleness can only be achieved with autonomous scale-out management.对于最懒惰的管理员,“完全清闲”只能通过自治的横向扩展管理来实现。

3.Of course, the laziest don't even know where the data center is -- it is just a set of host names or IP addresses.当然,最懒惰的管理员甚至不知道数据中心的具体位置——对于他们来说,数据中心仅仅是一组主机名或IP地址。

4.My neighbor across the street is one of the laziest people I know.住在对面的邻居是我见过的最懒的人。

5.The laziest admins have either adopted open source tools or made the tools they developed back in 1999 available to the community.最懒惰的管理员已经接受了开放源码工具,或者把他们在1999年开发的工具贡献给了社区。

6.In this article we discuss some of the best secrets of the laziest Linux cluster admins.在本文中,我们讨论最懒惰的Linux集群管理员的一些秘诀。

7.So given the complexity, here's how some of the laziest administrators we know are solving the problem.既然监视的复杂性这么大,那么最懒惰的管理员会怎么解决这个问题呢?

8.The one of you is the laziest shall become king after me.你们中最懒的将在我之后继承我的王位。

9."I've got a really easy job today for the laziest one among you, " he announced.“今天我有一个非常轻松简单的工作给你们当中最懒的一个人做。”他宣布道。

10.It may not seem pke it, but even the laziest of couch potatoes is a human dynamo.看起来似乎不像,但最懒的宅人们恰恰就是人体发电机。