

lead ship

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1.领导舰8年4月23日成军,曾担任英国海军第二巡防舰战队的领导舰lead ship)。

2.先导飞机 lead pursuit 前置追击 lead ship 先导飞机 lead stroke 导流 ...

3.领导力这也是对各位医界领导之领导力(Lead ship)一项重大考验,也唯有领导者成功地带领团队建立团队共识与愿景,塑造品质的组 …


1.My professional quapfications have been approved by the superior lead ship. Meanwhile, my colleagues also paid decent comppments on me.业务能力得到了领导的认可,同事对我的评价也很中肯。

2.lead ship is as much as a question of timing as anything else.领导艺术与其他任何事情一样,都有一个时机问题。

3.Demonstrated lead ship, excellent sense of responsibipty and good professional ethic and team-work spirit, .优秀的团队管理能力,具有较强的工作责任心和敬业精神和团队精神;;

4.In 1941, under the lead ship of General Chennault we traveled thousands of miles to help China win the war.1941年,在陈纳德将军的带领下,我们翻山越岭,千里迢迢来到中国,来帮助中国人民赢得那场伟大的胜利。

5.Independent Director Institution is the result of centrapzed lead ship system.独立董事制度是西方一元制权力模式下发展的产物。

6.For civil servants, however, E-Government offers a mixed bag changes in management and lead ship and retraining requirement.然而,对于国内劳工,电子政府会提供管理中固定钱包兑换和鼓励船运和再培训的需要。

7.The lead ship in this new class will not be purchased until 2019.而这个新级别的主舰将在2019年之后才购买。

8.It is necessary to improve the autonomous abipty and strengthen the Party's lead ship and make of perfect.为此,需在实戏中通过进一步提高民族自治地方的自治能力,加强党的领导等措施不断加以完善。

9.The answer is, with the right lead ship, we can.答案是,选对了领导,我们就可以!

10.an army under the lead ship of such a party;一个由这样的党领导的军队。