


美式发音: [ʌnˈmæsk] 英式发音: [ʌnˈmɑːsk]



第三人称单数:unmasks  现在分词:unmasking  过去式:unmasked  同义词反义词


v.expose,blow the whistle on,reveal,unveil,debunk



1.~ sb/sth使露出真相;揭露;暴露to show the true character of sb, or a hidden truth about sth

to unmask a spy揭发间谍


v.1.to discover the real truth about someone or something, especially when it is bad

1.揭露 unmarry 离婚 unmask 揭露 unmatchable 不能匹敌的 ...

2.拆穿 ... 拆除〖 demopsh;remove;dismantle〗 拆穿〖 givethepeto;unmask;expose;reveal〗 拆毁〖 destroybypulpngdown …

3.脱去假面具 unmarried 未婚的,独身的 unmask 脱去假面具 unmeet 不适合的,不适当的 ...

4.揭开真相 ... 4 Nantuko Shade 螳人阴魂 4 Unmask 揭开真相 4 Duress 逼从 ...

5.暴露 tedium 沉闷,乏味,单调 unmask 揭露,暴露 vigor 精神,活力 ...

6.脱去面具 unseat, 夺去议席 unmask, 脱去面具 Amoral 非道德的 ...

7.揭发 Uncover v 揭开,发现 Unmask v 揭发,揭露 Conceal v 隐瞒,隐藏 ...

8.摘掉遮色 ... 遮色( Mask) 摘掉遮色( Unmask) 图像( Image) ...


1.Both companies have argued that such data cannot be used to unmask the identities of individual users with certainty.Google和Viacom都辩称这两种信息并不足以确定单个用户的真实身份。

2.What the mobile ecosystems of today have done is to unmask the reapty that it's the back end that matters.现在移动生态系统所做的只是揭开了被遮盖的现实——后端很重要。

3.The Constable, the landlord, and a curious neighbor went upstairs to arrest the lodger. After a struggle, the man agreed to unmask.警官、店主和一个好奇的邻居上楼去逮捕他。经过一番搏斗,陌生人同意摘除假面具。

4.It's SPB Wireless Monitor that will control mobile data spending and will unmask the biggest traffic-consumers.这是国家邮政局无线监控,将控制开支,并会揭露移动数据的最大流量的消费者。

5.The new ABSOLUT HOLIDAY GIFT PACK helps you unmask the ordinary and reveal the glamour and magic inside every night .新的绝对节日礼物包装可以帮助您揭露普通和揭示了魅力和神奇的内每晚。

6.No one knew at what moment, or in what place, a secret and murderous enemy might unmask himself.谁也不知道,什么时间,什么地方会突然冒出神出鬼没的凶残的敌人。

7.Use the umask command to set a umask as well as display one.使用umask命令设置一个unmask并显示。

8.In the process, the computer will also help scientists unmask some of the 20th century's great mysteries.在这个过程,该计算机还将有助于科学家揭开上世纪一些重大的秘密。

9.Slowly, alcohol relaxes them, helps them unmask and melts their love and hatred.酒精缓缓地让女人轻松下来,卸下所有的面具,冰释所有的爱恨情仇。

10.Wikileaks is also working to unmask this corrupt central-banking system.维基解密正在致力于向全世界揭示这个腐败的中央银行体系。