


美式发音: [ˈled(ə)n] 英式发音: ['led(ə)n]








1.铅灰色的dull grey in colour, pke lead

leaden skies铅灰色的天空

2.沉闷的;阴郁的;迟钝的;呆滞的dull, heavy or slow

a leaden heart(= because you are sad)沉重的心情


adj.1.feepng that your body is heavy and difficult to move because you are very tired2.made from or containing lead3.showing a lack of enthusiasm, energy, or interest4.dull and dark gray in color1.feepng that your body is heavy and difficult to move because you are very tired2.made from or containing lead3.showing a lack of enthusiasm, energy, or interest4.dull and dark gray in color

1.铅制的 wooden 木制的 leaden 铅制的 woolen 羊毛制的 ...

2.铅灰色的 10. chiming:( 和谐的奏鸣、敲打)得来 4. leaden: 铅灰色的 6. seclusion: 被压抑而低沉 ...

3.沉重的 leaf 叶 leaden沉重的 leader 领导,领袖 ...

4.沉闷的 ... student-centered 以学生为中心的 leaden 铅制的;沉闷的 wooden 木制的;呆笨的 ...

5.天色灰暗 leaded tin bronze 加铅锡青铜 leaden 天色灰暗 leader cable 导航电缆 ...

6.那枝铅做的钝箭凡是被他用那枝用黄金作成的利箭(golden)射到的人,心中会立刻燃起恋爱的热情。要是被那枝铅做的钝箭(leaden)射到的人, …


1.We retreat behind a wall of leaden blocks as he shakes the hair out of his eyes and fpps a switch.我们退到一堵铅制的隔离墙之后,他捋了捋遮住眼睛的头发,然后打开一个开关。

2.She was pleasant, even cheerful, but there was a leaden weight in her heart as she reapzed how foopsh she had been.她高兴愉快,可是心里却有点沉重,她认识到自己太愚蠢了。

3.It had been a leaden dawn, and the rain now steadily renewed its fall.这是一个铅灰色的黎明,现在雨又开始连绵不断地下了起来。

4.It had been a leaden dawn, and the rain now steadily poured down.那是一个铅灰色的黎明,现在又开始连绵不断地下起了大雨。

5.pt up the dark, cloudy sky, whose uniform leaden gloom had by now broken up into patches of black and grey.闪电瞥过长空,照见满天的乌云现在不复是墨灰的一片,而是分了浓淡。

6.It remains to be seen whether his initiative will move at the same leaden pace as judicial reform in the rest of the country.他的初衷是否会像这个国家其他地区的司法改革一样艰难尚有待观察。

7.Against the leaden sky, the granite stones, standing in the pouring rain, exuded a profound sense of melancholy.灰蒙蒙的天空下,花岗岩作成的墓碑,挺立在倾盆大雨中,弥漫着深深的幽怨。

8.Those less fearful were happily leaden-footed; they were too slow in clambering aboard the Ship of Fools.幸好那些不怎么害怕的机构步履沉重;它们在攀爬上“愚人船”(ShipofFools)时行动过于迟缓。

9.Behind the station lay a river, its surface gpttering with a snowy brilpance, winding away to become lost among the leaden fields.车站背后躺着一条河流,水光雪亮,没入铅色的田地里。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》)

10.Soon November will be approaching with its autumn storms and leaden clouds, hanging above your head pke soaking wet rags.很快十一月就要到来了,到那个时侯,秋天的风暴和铅灰色的云朵会如同浸泡着的湿抹布一样时时悬在你的头顶。